Monday, September 15, 2008

Well DUH...

Nirvana's manager: 'Courtney Love marked end of the band'

Danny Goldberg writes about Kurt Cobain and co in new book

Nirvana's former manager, Danny Goldberg, has accused Kurt Cobain's wife Courtney Love of causing the downfall of the band.

In Goldberg's forthcoming book,'Bumping Into Geniuses: My Life Inside The Rock And Roll Business', he writes that Loveacted as Cobain's "mouthpiece" and described their drug addiction.

"Courtney's very presence was a metaphor for the end of one era in the band's life and the beginning of another," he wrote.

Writing about an incident where he was asked to deliver cash to the couple which they were allegedly planning to spend on heroin, he continued: "I felt pretty uncomfortable as I delivered the package of $100 bills to her [Love] at the hotel.

"Abruptly, the dark cloud of drug excess had entered the band's life. I was confronted by the baroque facade of lies and the awful glassy-eyed deadness that regular heroin use provides."

Love and Cobain married in 1992 before the singer and guitarist committed suicide in 1994.

'Bumping Into Geniuses: My Life Inside the Rock and Roll Business' is set to be released in the USA on Thursday (September 18)

Well DUH! She marked the end of the band in other ways too. Just read Love and Death. And don't get me started.

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