Monday, September 8, 2008

7 Ways to Wow Her (or Him!)

I've read this article and I approve this message!

1. Dinner service
When the date is going down at a restaurant, how do you elevate a simple dinner into a singular experience that stands out from her last three dates with Boring Guy #1, Annoying Laugh Fellow #2 and "Basically Took Me Out for Fast Food" Bachelor #3? Arrive early and set the scene: secure the table; inform the hostess whom you are expecting, her name, hair color and general demeanor, so your date can be seated in a jiffy; have a half-bottle of sparkling wine chilling, along with a bottle of mineral water and a single cold appetizer ready on the table. Smooth!

2. Ink-lings of woo
Email may be virtually free, not to mention fast and efficient. But handwritten notes are an unexpected and impressive touch that only cost about forty-one cents. Send a funny card for an imminent, often-overlooked holiday to show some personality ("My attraction to you has proven to be a renewable resource... happy Earth Day."). Don't know her address yet? No problem, slip a small affectionate card into her jacket during a date that's going well and receive extra dividends upon discovery.

3. The handy hunk
With the exception of a certain MP3 player, which boasts a scroll wheel and one button, most electronics and appliances are far from wonders of design, but that's where you come in. While volunteering to water-seal her front deck or re-shingle her garage paints you a sap, simple HDTV hookups, ceiling-fan hangings and leaky-faucet fixes showcase your manly skills. Plus, with such annoyances out of mind, there's more time for extracurricular thank-you's.

4. Forsake the game
It's the NFL playoffs or the NCAA tournament and the big game is on. When all other males are unavailable as a species that evening, leaving clever gals with nothing to do, be different and take her out someplace romantic (no, not to a sports bar). Being the anti-dude for a single night is a huge little thing that illustrates your interest in her... she needn't know that your favorite team has already been eliminated or that your DVR is set to tape it anyway.

5. Get with the little gifts
It's not the price tag, but the amount of energy and forethought that went into tracking down a little token of your affection. If your offering -- bestowed for no special reason -- is the kind of quirky thing that appeals to her and almost no one else but her... bravo. Gather clues while chatting and turn her casual thoughts of favorite old things into something tangible ("No way! A Wonder Woman Pez dispenser!"). Track down her favorite children's book and she'll get misty. (Who knew that $5 copy of Ferdinand the Bull could earn major points?)

6. Mind your manners

Certain simple gestures have never lost luster: giving up your coat in a cold theatre without being asked; taking her arm in yours on a crowded street; being the first on a group couples outing to ask her to dance; watching her purse when she has forgotten where she left it.

7. Be Mr. Mysterious
Plan a mystery date -- she'll feel as if she's on one of those reality shows (in a good way, the fantasy date way). Give only the bare details ("I'll pick you up at 2:30, wear a swanky outfit, but nothing green; bring an extra pair of sandals and your sunglasses"). You can even add to the excitement by throwing out a red herring to keep her guessing of the night's activities ("Pack a bikini as well" "But it's January?" "You'll see"). While there's no need to construct an elaborate scavenger hunt or "This is Your Life" parade of the past, a multi-course date with a few venue changes (or costume changes) and surprises keeps it quite interesting.

So go ahead and show her what a class act you are, and ch

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