Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day Weekend and Such....

Labor Day. Another great American holiday that really glorifies being lazy. And I love EVERY minute of it. I had a marvelous half day at work on friday (where we grilled out, yum yum) and the rest of mya fternoon was spent finishing Season 2 of Lost and napping before a night on the town (let's just say a few adult bevies, and this grandma didn't get home til 3 in the morning. Enough said).

Saturday was pretty chillaxin, resting up from the night before and preparing myself for the INCREDIBLE Jonny Lang show at the Ryman (with local boy Jason Eskridge- listen to some of his jams.)

Quantcast If you have a chance to see Jonny live, you absolutely must. He gives an incredible performance. I'm talking there was a standing ovation after song 2 and throughout the show. The people were lovin it ( and you might just get to see two old ladies inappropriately twirking it on each other-yech)

Sunday was spent preparing for the LABOR DAY SOIREE that involved lots of fun friends and a keg ( and maybe our cop neighbor asking us to pipe down......maybe)

Much of Monday was spent in recovery.........sleeping, swimming, eating at the Cheesecake Factory ( i mean, i really don't think you can beat original cheesecake!) and going to Target, which leads me to the meat of my post- GAME TIME!

Whilst at Target, my fabo roomie decided to buy Clue. Come on, you remember Clue right? Colonal Mustard in the Library with the wrench!

Except there's no more Colonal Mustard. Now his name is Jack Mustard and he's not a Colonal at all, he's a retired hot shot athlete who is now a Sports Announcer. Oh and don't worry, the library and the wrench are gone too. Who needs a library when you can have a relaxing spa? And these folks have no need for wrenches, no sir, they are the richest of the rich. They have "awards" to kill people with. It's so funny how they update the games. But we definitely thought the game would be a piece of cake- it took us over an hour to finish! It was way fun and props to Brian for figuring out that he had committed the crime.
After Clue we moved on to another classic game- Catchphrase! We ddn't have the new fancy schmancy one, no ma'am, we were kickin it OLD SCHOOL. This game can go either way. It can be outrageously fun, or it can cause people to get into fistfights.
I have to say I have not laughed as hard as I laughed last night in a long time. You learn a lot about yourself playing Catchphrase (especially when the clue is "It has two wheels" and you yell "Tricycle". Yeah. Clearly incorrect.) I was in tears most of the game because it was just too hilarious too handle.
Labor Day has probably been my favorite holiday so far this year. It was just too much fun. Thanks to all my fabulous friends for kickin it with me!

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