Friday, September 26, 2008

Grey's Anatomy

Wow. A two hour season premiere. I could not have been more excited.

It could not have been more long.

Overall, loved it. I'm excited about where the season is going. I am however completely over "Are Meredith and Derrick together? Are they broken up? Wait, wait, they're back together?" and "Alex is an asshole! Oh, Alex was nice today. Damn he's an asshole again!". Over it. Pick one. Meredith and Derrick should be together. Alex should be an asshole. Move on.

In a nutshell, damn you Grey's Anatomy for stealing my plan for a perfect murder! Icicles. It's perfection! The murder weapon melts and there are no fingerprints. BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!

Oh- and The Office was funny too.

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