Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Da Jonas Brothers

Alright already. Everybody lay off the Jonas Brothers!

So they wear promise/purity rings. Who cares! Why does it need to be a National ordeal?

So Russell Brand made fun of them at the VMAs in front of millions of people. Then Jordan Sparks defended them. Then Courtney Love, in all her infinite wisdom (*cough* murderer! *cough*), took to her blog to tell them that they "needed some p***y and c**k"- why, so they can be classy like you C Love?

The bottom line is- it's their choice! And yeah maybe they're young and they think they'll wait until they're married to have sex, and maybe it won't play out that way, but that is up for them to decide, not those who think it's unrealistic. 

In what kind of messed up world do we live in where we are stoning teenagers who are abstaining from sex instead of having lots of it with random people???? Listen, no one is judging you for having sex outside of love/marriage (i would say most people just dont give a shit)- so don't judge them for not doing the same.

Peace and Love!

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