Monday, September 15, 2008

Weekend Review

This may have been the longest weekend of my life. The trip to Crazytown started Wednesday night with the CAA Young Nashville Party and it was basically all downhill from there. Next Big Nashville started Thursday and I basically didn't get to bed before 1 (it was more like 2 and 3) every night- those of you that know me know that I'm usually an 8 hours of sleep, in bed by 11 or 12 kind of girl (they don't call me Grandma for nothin!). I don't regret a second of the weekend, but you can bet on the fact that i'll be in bed early tonight! ;)

Check out my Young Nashville Party pictures on Facebook if we're friends. If not, then guess you're SOL!

Thursday night I mosied over to 12th and Porter to see Katie Herzig. I'd heard her stuff before, but had never seen her live and I gotta tell you, this girl can sing. Flat out, nothing better I can say about her- she can sing! She had Ruby from Sam & Ruby singing harmonies with her, and it was truly magical. Definitely check her out if she's coming to a city near you and if not swing by her myspace or imeem. Below is one of her more uptempo songs that I thoroughly enjoy.

Hologram - Katie Herzig
After Katie we were supposed to head over to The Basement to catch one of my very favs Matthew Perryman Jones, but we were convinced to stay and see a band called El Macho (lesson learned- don't stay for any group that has Butterly Boucher in it. Not a fan.). So since I didn't like them, I'm just going to put up an MJP song, haha. 

Save You - Matthew Perryman Jones
Friday was another sleepy work day and Jon Romero's bday! Hooray! The whole of the night was spent at Mercy Lounge and Cannery Ballroom. We caught the tail end of Paper Route (sad b/c they are so great live. Imagine if Coldplay and Mute Math had a baby. They would name it Paper Route and it would be adorable). We also caught Jeremy Lister who was great, Space Capone, and Lord T & Eloise. Selections from all below. 

Only Words - Paper Route

Fit - Jeremy Lister

To My Ladies - Lord T & Eloise

Saturday, it was up early and at the office for some work, then a nap, and more playtime. Dinner at PM= YUM. I can't get enough of their sushi. I could pretty much eat it all day every day and never get tired of it. Then it was off to the east hood to see our new buddy Harrison Hudson (you may have noticed his video that I posted last week- check it out). They were so good, a really really fun band. I can't wait to see more of them. There was a band after Harri Hud that to say the least. They weren't great, but the guitar player looked just like Ben Stiller in Tropic Thunder with this RIDICULOUS moustache. It was pretty much worth having  to listen to their terrible music just to see that stache.

Then we popped over to Cannery/Mercy for a little Ten out of Tenn action (basicaly a power group of ten up and coming artist from Nashville who have been touring together. Highlights below) and The Features. Fun times all around.

Pony -

Black Keys - Andy Davis

Black Keys - Andy Davis

I Will Wander - The Features

Sunday was spent being entirely lazy. I watched Dan in Real Life (which was really really good. I give it two thumbs up and a recommend) and Enchanted (an adorable movie that I had never seen in its entirety til yesterday. So cute.) 

I also went and saw Burn After Reading last night. It was............ok. I liked it, but it wasn't as stellar as I thought it was going to be. It was kiiiiinda funny in parts, kiiiiiinda serious in parts, and kiiiiiinda non cohesive throughout. Brad Pitts character was definitely the best, but unfortunately he is not in the whole movie.

This is the longest post I've ever done I think. It's kind of obnoxious. My apologies. 

Enjoy the music and check everyone out.

Peace and Love!

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