Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What the Fug?

Picture courtesy of: PinkisthenewBlog

Christina- Seriously??????????? You are a PRETTY girl. Why are you trying to look like a sexy robot from outer space?

I know, we all asked for this. We wanted a different look- we were tired of the Marilyn curls and the saucy red lipstick. This new look is NOT what we meant! Where does one even find hot pink lipstick?????

Girlfriend- I"m ok with the outfit. But the hair and the lips gotsta go!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Friday, September 26, 2008

Grey's Anatomy

Wow. A two hour season premiere. I could not have been more excited.

It could not have been more long.

Overall, loved it. I'm excited about where the season is going. I am however completely over "Are Meredith and Derrick together? Are they broken up? Wait, wait, they're back together?" and "Alex is an asshole! Oh, Alex was nice today. Damn he's an asshole again!". Over it. Pick one. Meredith and Derrick should be together. Alex should be an asshole. Move on.

In a nutshell, damn you Grey's Anatomy for stealing my plan for a perfect murder! Icicles. It's perfection! The murder weapon melts and there are no fingerprints. BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!

Oh- and The Office was funny too.

God Save the Queen

To the citizens of the United States of America from Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth  II
In light of your failure in recent years to nominate competent candidates for President of the USA and thus to govern yourselves, we hereby give notice of the revocation of your independence, effective immediately.

(You should look up 'revocation' in the Oxford English Dictionary.)

Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will resume monarchical duties over all states, commonwealths, and territories (except Kansas, which she does not fancy).
Your new Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, will appoint a Governor for America without the need for further elections.
Congress and the Senate will be disbanded.  A questionnaire may be circulated next year to determine whether any of you noticed.
To aid in the transition to a British Crown dependency, the following rules are introduced with immediate effect:
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1. The letter 'U' will be reinstated in words such as 'colour,' 'favour,' 'labour' and 'neighbour.'  Likewise, you will learn to spell 'doughnut' without skipping half the letters,  and the suffix '-ize' will be replaced by the suffix '-ise.'  Generally, you will be expected to raise your vocabulary to acceptable levels.  (look up 'vocabulary' ).
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2. Using the same twenty-seven words interspersed with filler noises such as ''like' and 'you know' is an unacceptable and inefficient form of communication. There is no such thing as U.S. English. We will let Microsoft know on your behalf.  The Microsoft spell-checker will be adjusted to take into account the reinstated letter 'u'' and the elimination of  '-ize.'
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3. July 4th will no longer be celebrated as a holiday.
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4. You will learn to resolve personal issues without using guns, lawyers, or therapists.  The fact that you need so many lawyers and therapists shows that you're not quite ready to be independent.  Guns should only be used for shooting grouse.  If you can't sort things out without suing someone or speaking to a therapist,then you're not ready to shoot grouse.
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5. Therefore, you will no longer be allowed to own or carry anything more dangerous than a vegetable peeler.  Although a permit will be required if you wish to carry a vegetable peeler in public.
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6. All intersections will be replaced with roundabouts, and you will start driving on the left side with immediate effect.  At the same time, you will go metric with immediate effect and without the benefit of conversion tables.   Both roundabouts and metrication will help you understand the British sense of humour.
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7. The former USA will adopt UK prices on petrol (which you have been calling gasoline) of roughly $10/US gallon.  Get used to it.
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8. You will learn to make real chips.  Those things you call French fries are not real chips, and those things you insist on calling potato chips are properly called crisps.  Real chips are thick cut, fried in animal fat, and dressed not with catsup but with vinegar.
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9. The cold, tasteless stuff you insist on calling beer is not actually beer at all.  Henceforth, only proper British Bitter will be referred to as beer, and European brews of  known and accepted provenance will be referred to as Lager.  South African beer is also acceptable, as they are pound for pound the greatest sporting nation on earth and it can only be due to the beer.  They are also part of the British Commonwealth - see what it did for them.  American brands will be referred to as Near-Frozen Gnat's Urine, so that all can be sold without risk of further confusion.
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10. Hollywood will be required occasionally to cast English actors as good guys.  Hollywood will also be required to cast English actors to play English characters.  Watching Andie Macdowell attempt English dialogue in Four Weddings and a Funeral was an experience akin to having one's ears removed  with a cheese grater.
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11. You will cease playing American football.  There is only one kind of proper football; you call it soccer.  Those of you brave enough will, in time, be allowed to play rugby (which has some similarities to American football, but does not involve stopping for a rest every twenty seconds or wearing full kevlar body armour like a bunch of nancies). 
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12. Further, you will stop playing baseball.  It is not reasonable to host an event called the World Series for a game which is not played outside of America.  Since only 2.1% of you are aware there is a world beyond your borders, your error is understandable.  You will learn cricket, and we will let you face the South Africans first to take the sting out of their deliveries.
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13. You must tell us who killed JFK.  It's been driving us mad.
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14. An internal revenue agent (i.e. tax collector) from Her Majesty's Government will be with you shortly to ensure the acquisition of all monies due (backdated to 1776).
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15. Daily Tea Time begins promptly at 4 p.m. with proper cups, with saucers, and never mugs, with high quality biscuits (cookies) and cakes; plus strawberries (with cream)  when in season.
God Save the Queen!

Oh My Wino!

Amy. Amy Amy Amy Amy Amy. Get a mirror. and then get some help.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

I love Jewish Holidays!

I need everyone to visit the link below. Make SURE you read the comments b/c they are really the best part.



Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I've always wanted to learn French....

....but this isn't exactly what I had in mind

fail owned pwned pictures
see more pwn and owned pictures


um, failblog.com could in fact be the best blog ever (shout outs to Brian for introducing me to it).

a video for you, from me, courtesy of fail blog

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Now This is News!!!!

Forget Lindsay Lohan "coming out of the closet"- this is real news!

Clay Aiken has FINALLY come out of the closet. Dear Clay, you're only telling us information that we all knew since your first day on American Idol.

Congratulations for being real with yourself and everyone else. And You need to lighten your hair.

Celebrity Fragrances

Come on guys. Enough with the celebrity fragrances. I mean SERIOUSLY! Do that many people really wanna smell like Tara Reid?

Who started the celebrity fragrance trend? J Lo is the first one who stands out in my mind, but I'm not certain if she was actually the first. I think the trend at least started to pick up with her. Let's be honest with ourselves....how many of these fragrances actually smell good????

Answer: Not many

Now, granted, there are a few exceptions to the rule. I happen to own Still by Jennifer Lopez- I think it smells delightful. I also happen to think that Curious by Brit Brit Spears isn't bad. But just because a handful smell good, do we really need fragrances from Paris Hilton, Christina Aguilera, Hilary Duff, Celine Dion, Shania Twain, TIM MCGRAW?! For Jiminy's sake, when Tim McGraw has a cologn (Tagline: Tim McGraw.....Not Bad) then you KNOW this trend is out of control.

An open letter to celebrities thinking about having their own fragrance (or clothing line for that matter):

Dear Celebs,

Stick to what you're good at, whether it be acting, singing, or lounging around looking good, stick to it. It is becoming clear to the general consumer that all of you have fucked up noses and probably couldn't smell a skunk if it were sitting on your lap! You became famous doing what it is that you do for a reason- because, in most cases, you are good at it! We don't give a flying fuck what you smell like and only want to dress like you because you wear fabulous designer clothes, not because you can actually design them yourselves. This is our cry: stop the insanity!!!!


Your Friend Lela

Gossip Girl Recap

Damn you Gawker! You've out done me again! Not only did you beat me to writing a GG recap, but yours is exponentially funnier than anything I could've ever written. I'll get you next week, I swear!

Who knew going back to school would be so much fun? Last night's episode of bitchy teen soap Gossip Girl saw the children of the New York elite returning to their fancy pants school after a summer of lazing about Europe and the Hamptons, and a true return to form for the show's writers who were... I dunno, lazing about their couches all summer. Relationships crumbled, secrets were revealed, and, most importantly, there was drinking.

There's this imagined New York that I adore, in which 16 and 17-year-olds can sidle up to the toniest bars north of 14th street and just order up any damn drink they please. Half-full martini (perfect for sexy sloshing!) for Serena? Sure! Scotch on the rocks (or whatever) for lunky Larry Lacrosse from Dalton? Absolutely. It's hysterical and I love it. I just hope the real kids don't think it works that way. Anyway, yes, there was a bar. It was the culmination of a series of bitchy miscommunications involving a dopey girl with bangs named Amanda and Serena's bitchy former posse of friends.

Newly broken up, Serena and Dan were awkward on their first day of school. Then The Troubles began. Dan was seen chatting with Bangsmanda, Serena got sad, her friends got mad. Bangsmanda was invited into the crew by a be-field-hockeyed Blair, then instructed to stay away from Danny. Bangsmanda said no, dragged Dan to a bar, Gossip Girl found out, everyone was mad and sad and Dan was confused and such a boyyyyyy about it. So Serena said "eff it, let's the three of us go out" and so they did but Bangsmanda was acting the fool about Rilke and Dan was guffawing along with her so Serena—a woman after my own heart—decided to get wasted and hit on people. Meanwhile those two little lackeys (the black one and the vaguely Mediterranean one) decided to be wicked and pour Nair on Bangsmanda's beautiful nest of hair. It started falling out, Serena acted innocent, Dan flipped out and said that she was, at heart, a Mean Girl, and that was the end of that. Bitchy Serena was back. "From now on, everything goes through me" she said icily to Token and Jimmy the Greek. Oohhh. It was wonderful! Though, Serena's character is written so hilariously inconsistently. I think she maybe has some sort of personality disorder that will haunt her terribly in her later years, but for now it's fun!

To read the rest of the hilarious recap click here

How Many Models Does It Take To Screw In A Lightbulb?

Is It News....?

That Lindsay Lohan is a lesbian??? I feel like we've all known this for quite sometime, no?

Apparantly, Lindsay "came out" last night on the show that no one knew was still on television (Love Line. Really? Still on the air?). By came out I mean she giggled in response to the question "how long have you and samantha been dating". I guess that counts as coming out? But the hand holding and the kissing on the mouth in the streets wasn't clear?

What if we stop guessing which celebrities are pregnant and which ones are gay, and focus on the important stuff like what they wear on the red carpets and the fact that Sienna Miller is homewrecking whore. Priorities people. Priorities!

This probably wouldn't be so funny....

.....if it weren't so friggin true. How are we the only state without gas???? This makes no sense!

Friday, September 19, 2008


Mark your calenders- I already did (no I really did. Filed under: Things that are Sad but True)

The 6th Season of Project Runway will be debuting on Lifetime January 20, 2009.

Celebrity Guest Judge: Lindsay Lohan!

While I don't always go for LiLo's fashion sense, I think she'll definitely be an interesting guest judge for the show..........................wonder if she'll wear leggings?.......................wonder if she'll still be a lesbian by then?

Oh Project Runway. You give me so many questions.

It's Like Putting Lipstick on a .......Poodle?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I couldn't have said it better myself.....

I was going to write my Project Runway recap, but my kind co worker sent me this link and, frankly, I couldn't have said it better myself. Saves me some time anyway ;)

At what point does love turn to ambivalence, and ambivalence to hate? I would suggest that, in the case of Project Runway's awful Kenley, I began to seriously cool on her last week (ambivalence!) and really just couldn't abide her anymore last night (hate). Which was funny because I actually kinda liked two of the other people I've normally disliked. The world is upside down! Project Runway is lurching ever closer to the end of its final Bravo season!

Last night there were moms—short ones, tall ones, fat ones, skinny ones, even ones with chicken pox—and their daughters. The challenge was to give the recent college-graduate daughters a head-to-toe makeover to prepare them for the professional world. No mind was paid to the fact that this country is currently a scorched, burnt-over land where no one can get jobs, no matter how smartly they are dressed. But, no matter! On with the challenge.

Korto talked a lot about her daughter and then made a coat out of a potato sack. Her girl, a 22-year-old (I think) who looked significantly older, seemed to like the look. Perhaps she is presciently planning a career as a boxcar hobo. She's just one pickle barrel away from the Complete Look! Leanne, turning very slowly into a mouse so she can meet her boyfriend, Luke from The Witches, made some sort of school marm frumpy dump jacket that covered up her Contempo CasualsSignature Collection dress. She received necessary criticism and will hopefully rally next week, even though it appears to be a hip hop challenge and Leanne couldn't be whiter if she was made of snow and drove a Volkswagen. She is my favorite to win it, so hopefully she'll bounce back.

On to Suede, who made something very sad and strange and reminiscent of a time that never quite existed. Sure, you saw jackets like his—with shopping mall-daring flared sleeves and tacked-on purple stripes—in the pink cardboard boxes of Barbie doll fashions and on the overly-lit soundstages of shows like Saved By the Bell andCalifornia Dreams, but no one in the history of the known world has ever actually worn such a thing. Which is why it was such a wrenching bit of industrial horror techno to watch his poor model/real girl tromp on down the runway in it. Nina Garcia was appropriately tight-lipped about it. I think if she'd opened her mouth, wasps would have flown out of it and the skies would have blackened and all that would have been left would be a candle to huddle around and the vague hope for some kind of merciful god. All that said, though, he didn't go home. Which is fine, because he said some funny things this episode. Yes Suede did.

And then Jerrell who, bless his skinny heart, endeared himself to me by calling himself weird and not being arrogant and designing a lovely dress for a lovely girl. He gets both points on and points off for wearing his Pan, nymph of the forest headdress on the runway and in his victory lap Elle photoshoot. For shame, Jerrell. But also: good for you Jerrell! I suspect he'll be joining Leanne in the finals.

You know who won't be joining Leanne in the finals? Ol' Joe Schmo, our regulah guy friend from Deeetroit, Em Eye who would have won this competition soundly had it been fought in 1988. He was, as the acerbic and wonderful (come back any time!) guest judge Cynthia Rowley put it, completely out of touch. He made an ill-fitting stewardess' uniform that Diane Keaton wore in Baby Boom 2: Sam Shepard's Not In This One. Yes he has daughters and it is sad that he has to go back to them empty handed, but it is also good that he has daughters and that he went home to them. He still got to show at Fashion Week, so I consider it something of a victory anyway.

And then. And then and then and then. Do you remember that girl you knew in college who was fashionable in this timid, darting way. Who things never seemed to go quite right for until they really did and there was something so smug and self-satisfied about her success. And then you'd see her at parties or in the dining hall and she was always talking to boys, only boys, perhaps one out-of-her-league fellow in particular, in this cloying and sad and infuriating way. She would get a little too sloppy at parties and quietly profess her sad love for this boy—who probably played club lacrosse or rowed crew and had some family money and was kind but aloof to her—and she would glare at any girl in a shrill passive aggressive way if she felt encroached upon. That girl was someone you felt bad for, sure, but mostly you couldn't stand her. Because she was a poor representative of Women, the kind of deliberately damaged goods (I don't mean mental imbalance—I mean put-on modesty wrapped in over-confidence swathed in self-righteous anger) who made boys thinks that "chicks are crazy, man." That is Kenley. And that's all I'll say about her.

So yes, we rumble on toward the finale. Everyone in last night's episode did in fact show a collection at Fashion Week last week, so they're all winners! Except for Kenley who is a miserable annoyance who laughed—cackled, really—at Joe's misfortune during the judging. She blows. Evs. At least she seems to be getting hers in next week's episode.

OK. I'm going to stop writing now, lest I become another Hedda Lettuce.

No Sunlight

This is very interesting

While Margaret Cho's blog is very interesting at times (almost like crazy talk), she makes a LOT of good points- as Christians, oru responsbility is to share the Love of Christ, not judge others for what they do or don't do. We can and should teach what the Bible says, but to those who are eager to hear it. These "fake Christians" as she calls them (sidenote: I don't think anyone should judge anothers faith- they shouldn't judge hers, nor vice versa) are definitely mis guided in many areas, and it comes off as hatred, but they genuinely believe they are doing what God thinks is right. For her to shoot hatred back still doesn't solve anything. We all need to come together and get over our differences in our religious beliefs, political beliefs, etc. Name calling doesn't really accomplish that, ya know?

Anywho, read her blog below. It's a pretty good read.

Margaret has taken to her blog again - in a post entitled "I’m a Christian, you Fuckers" - and she's ANGRY!!!

Says Cho:

I’m a Christian, you Fuckers
All kinds of Christians are getting mad about my Sarah Palin comments, and it is pissing me off.

First of all – you fucking fake Christians - don’t fucking question my Christianity. I grew up in the church. My grandfather was a minister, who is with God now and talks to me in my dreams from God’s corner office. I am a former Sunday school teacher. I taught the Bible to children and showed them how to love God and invite him into their hearts. I believe in God – but I don’t fear him. God is my best friend. God is my ally. God is my boyfriend. God is my best fag. I am God’s fag hag cuz didn’t you know, God is a big fag. Serious bottom too. Butch in the streets, femme in the sheets. That is my God. God is my biggest fan. God gets me, dude.

God wants us all to just get along. He doesn’t give a shit about the profanity. The bitch fucking invented profanity. He thinks it is hilarious. He just wants you to talk to him, and he doesn’t care what you have to say. He just wants to keep the conversation going. Like Jay-Z, he just wants to love you. He just wants you to be able to make your own decisions. God is all about you and what you need. God is happy that you are gay. God made you fucking gay cuz he thinks it is awesome. God understands if you need to have an abortion. That is why he created abortion, on the 8th day. God accepts. God forgives. God loves all of us, even though some of us might have a problem with each other.

Don’t fucking question my Christianity you fucking idiot assholes. If you continue to have a problem, then talk to God about it, not me, you fucking racist homophobic misogynist fake Christian shitheads. God thinks it is funny that I swear so much. He said I could use his name in vain or whatever. He just wants me to use it. He loves me. So fuck you. And I guess he loves you too. Even though you are fake Christian assholes. If you were truly Christians, you would let gays get married, and send them fucking presents from Bed Bath and Beyond!

If you truly believed in Jesus, you would try to be like him and love us, fags and dykes and feminists all. God bless you, even you. You fucking fuckers.

I'm Obsessed....

....with The Cool Kids

Jon Romero says no.....

Can Men and Women Be Friends?

Can men and women be "just friends," or is sexual attraction between the sexes always inevitable? According to Rabbi Shmuley, men and women can be friends with members of the opposite sex, as long as they follow certain rules. He talks about platonic friendship between the sexes and shares his ground rules for opposite-sex friendships outside of marriage.

If a person isn't married, Rabbi Shmuley says it's perfectly all right to have friends who are members of the opposite sex. Society has moved away from polarizing the sexes, and today, men and women work together, go to school together and should be able to be friends, he says.
Things are different if you are married, Rabbi Shmuley says. It is possible to have an opposite sex friendship, but you cannot compromise certain borders:

You can't go out to late night dinners together. You can have lunch together in a public place, but you should not order alcoholic beverages. "The embers of attraction really can grow in situations like that, and suddenly it's not so innocent, it's not just friendship anymore," Rabbi Shmuley says.

You can't take long drives or long flights with the other person, even if it's for work. "Even if you have to work with a colleague [of the opposite sex], there are still certain boundaries you need to preserve," he says.

You cannot place yourself in any situation where romance can grow. "Romance grows when people are alone; romance grows when people tell secrets," Rabbi Shmuley says.

You can't share secrets with a platonic male or female friend that you don't share with your spouse. "Because then you're sharing an exclusivity with a member of the opposite sex that you're not with your partner, and that can lead to a big no-no," he says.

You should not be friends with ex-lovers.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Anyone else....

.....ever feel like quitting their life and running away?

Call me next time you do.

Something We Should All Think About

Let me make myself very clear; I am pro-life from a pro-choice perspective.

That may be a term you've never heard before, so let me explain. If I were to conceive a child at an inconvenient time of my life by my own lack of responsibility (ie not using birth control or protection of some sort) or even by accident (ie "safe sex" was applied but one just happened to get through) then I hope that I would have the presence of mind to accept my mistake and carry the child to term and either raising it or giving it up for adoption.

If I were raped, I can't be sure I would make the same decision.

Additionally, just because I feel like that would be the right decision for me, does NOT mean it is the right decision for everyone. It also does not mean that in a situation were I was scared and confused I might not make the opposite decision of what I think and hope I would. Its easy to "guess" what you would do in a hypothetical situation, but sometimes when we are actually in a position, our real decisions don't match our "guess" decisions.

That being said, I found an interesting article on Sarah Palin today. I don't necessarily agree with the way the media is completely crucifying her and her family, but I do believe that we need to know what she (and everyone else involved in all side of the campaign) stands for. I found this article to be INCREDIBLY disturbing.

"After taking office in 1996, she allowed the town's police department to begin charging rape victims for the forensic work done in their cases. She signed off on the budget that detailed the new police policy -- a directive instituted by her hand-picked police chief after she fired his predecessor. The unexplained reversal in Wasilla's procedure dictated that rape victims, unlike the victims of other crimes, now would have to pay for the investigative work done at the crime scene.

In a rape case, of course, the crime scene is the woman's body.

When Sarah Palin was mayor of Wasilla, the town suddenly started charging rape victims between $300 and $1200 to have the rapist's DNA and other forensic evidence taken, tested, cataloged and investigated.

That meant that women who came to local police for help after being battered, brutalized and victimized, faced one more violation. These women had to pay for the privilege of having their cases treated as crimes.

Palin's then-police chief Charlie Fannon defended this policy with the explanation that he wanted to save taxpayers' money. He said the raped women's insurance policies were billed -- when possible. In those cases, the women only had to pay the deductible. Of course, this being America, many women were uninsured, unprotected from both their attackers and the big bills.

Gee, thanks, guys.

Oddly enough, Fannon did not make the same kind of choice in other criminal cases. He did not make people injured by hit-and-run drivers or mugging victims or the families of murdered men and women cough up money to investigate their cases or collect evidence to catch their attackers.

It only happened in rape cases.


Now, why would that be?

There is one terrible possibility: that this happened because somebody in charge in Wasilla -- either the police chief or the Mayor or both -- hails from the craziest corner of the pro-life community, the people who believe that birth control is abortion.

These people oppose paying for forensic work in rape cases because as part of that process -- as a final step in a humiliating and dehumanizing procedure -- a woman is typically asked if she would like a "morning after" pill, a medication that will prevent a fertilized egg from implanting in the lining of her uterus. The treatment is believed to be about 80% effective in preventing pregnancy."

All that being said, if I or any of my friends were (God forbid) ever to be raped, it would be an absolute OUTRAGE if any of us were ordered to pay for our rape kit. That is essentially implying that the rape were our fault and we should be held responsible for it- don't even get me started on that. 

If you wanna finish reading the rest of the article then click here

I HATE It When It's Right

Your Horoscope - Today, September 17, 2008
There may be a great deal of opposition in your way today, LeeAnn, but try not to dwell on it. The key is to keep levelheaded and to maintain a positive outlook on the situation. This is a day in which you can bring a great deal of balance to issues by understanding and respecting the other side of the coin. Have charity for those who are making sacrifices so that you may have a more comfortable ride.

A Little Laugh to Get Your Morning Started

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

John Malkovich is so Creepy in the Best Way

Oh My Gosh

Here Is What's Wrong with Our Kids

A few weeks ago, the children were freak dancing, presumably with the support of a filming guardian. Today, they're being goaded by an adult into violently berating another little girl who they say is "big in the stomach."

Videos like this always remind me of a great Keanu Reeves quote from 1989's Parenthood:

You know, Mrs. Buckman, you need a license to buy a dog, to drive a car - hell, you even need a license to catch a fish. But they'll let any butt-reaming asshole be a father.

Click through for the NSFW, horrifying clip.

I Do It For Love.....

Everybody listen up.

It's time to grow up. It's time to act like you're grown up. Stop the immaturity. Stop the foolishness. Stop the jealousy. Stop the backstabbing.

Be friends with your friends. Don't act out of anger, spite, or intimidation. Love those who love you, and be kind to the people who care about you. 

Don't rub salt in wounds. Don't make wounds. Add some life to your life! Have fun by yourself and with others. Don't copy others- be ok with being yourself.

And finally- grow up! You're not a child anymore. It's time to act like it.

Peace & Love,

Monday, September 15, 2008

So Sorry I Missed This....

Well DUH...

Nirvana's manager: 'Courtney Love marked end of the band'

Danny Goldberg writes about Kurt Cobain and co in new book

Nirvana's former manager, Danny Goldberg, has accused Kurt Cobain's wife Courtney Love of causing the downfall of the band.

In Goldberg's forthcoming book,'Bumping Into Geniuses: My Life Inside The Rock And Roll Business', he writes that Loveacted as Cobain's "mouthpiece" and described their drug addiction.

"Courtney's very presence was a metaphor for the end of one era in the band's life and the beginning of another," he wrote.

Writing about an incident where he was asked to deliver cash to the couple which they were allegedly planning to spend on heroin, he continued: "I felt pretty uncomfortable as I delivered the package of $100 bills to her [Love] at the hotel.

"Abruptly, the dark cloud of drug excess had entered the band's life. I was confronted by the baroque facade of lies and the awful glassy-eyed deadness that regular heroin use provides."

Love and Cobain married in 1992 before the singer and guitarist committed suicide in 1994.

'Bumping Into Geniuses: My Life Inside the Rock and Roll Business' is set to be released in the USA on Thursday (September 18)

Well DUH! She marked the end of the band in other ways too. Just read Love and Death. And don't get me started.

Weekend Review

This may have been the longest weekend of my life. The trip to Crazytown started Wednesday night with the CAA Young Nashville Party and it was basically all downhill from there. Next Big Nashville started Thursday and I basically didn't get to bed before 1 (it was more like 2 and 3) every night- those of you that know me know that I'm usually an 8 hours of sleep, in bed by 11 or 12 kind of girl (they don't call me Grandma for nothin!). I don't regret a second of the weekend, but you can bet on the fact that i'll be in bed early tonight! ;)

Check out my Young Nashville Party pictures on Facebook if we're friends. If not, then guess you're SOL!

Thursday night I mosied over to 12th and Porter to see Katie Herzig. I'd heard her stuff before, but had never seen her live and I gotta tell you, this girl can sing. Flat out, nothing better I can say about her- she can sing! She had Ruby from Sam & Ruby singing harmonies with her, and it was truly magical. Definitely check her out if she's coming to a city near you and if not swing by her myspace or imeem. Below is one of her more uptempo songs that I thoroughly enjoy.

Hologram - Katie Herzig
After Katie we were supposed to head over to The Basement to catch one of my very favs Matthew Perryman Jones, but we were convinced to stay and see a band called El Macho (lesson learned- don't stay for any group that has Butterly Boucher in it. Not a fan.). So since I didn't like them, I'm just going to put up an MJP song, haha. 

Save You - Matthew Perryman Jones
Friday was another sleepy work day and Jon Romero's bday! Hooray! The whole of the night was spent at Mercy Lounge and Cannery Ballroom. We caught the tail end of Paper Route (sad b/c they are so great live. Imagine if Coldplay and Mute Math had a baby. They would name it Paper Route and it would be adorable). We also caught Jeremy Lister who was great, Space Capone, and Lord T & Eloise. Selections from all below. 

Only Words - Paper Route

Fit - Jeremy Lister

To My Ladies - Lord T & Eloise

Saturday, it was up early and at the office for some work, then a nap, and more playtime. Dinner at PM= YUM. I can't get enough of their sushi. I could pretty much eat it all day every day and never get tired of it. Then it was off to the east hood to see our new buddy Harrison Hudson (you may have noticed his video that I posted last week- check it out). They were so good, a really really fun band. I can't wait to see more of them. There was a band after Harri Hud that was...........er........interesting to say the least. They weren't great, but the guitar player looked just like Ben Stiller in Tropic Thunder with this RIDICULOUS moustache. It was pretty much worth having  to listen to their terrible music just to see that stache.

Then we popped over to Cannery/Mercy for a little Ten out of Tenn action (basicaly a power group of ten up and coming artist from Nashville who have been touring together. Highlights below) and The Features. Fun times all around.

Pony -

Black Keys - Andy Davis

Black Keys - Andy Davis

I Will Wander - The Features

Sunday was spent being entirely lazy. I watched Dan in Real Life (which was really really good. I give it two thumbs up and a recommend) and Enchanted (an adorable movie that I had never seen in its entirety til yesterday. So cute.) 

I also went and saw Burn After Reading last night. It was............ok. I liked it, but it wasn't as stellar as I thought it was going to be. It was kiiiiinda funny in parts, kiiiiiinda serious in parts, and kiiiiiinda non cohesive throughout. Brad Pitts character was definitely the best, but unfortunately he is not in the whole movie.

This is the longest post I've ever done I think. It's kind of obnoxious. My apologies. 

Enjoy the music and check everyone out.

Peace and Love!

Saturday, September 13, 2008


I may have already posted this song- I can't remember, nor do I care. I'm obsessed with it, and you will be too.

Creator - Santogold

Not again!

So gas prices are going up because Hurricane Ike is hitting the Gulf Coast where a lot of our oil refineries are located.

But aren't we ALWAYS hearing about how dependent we are on foreign oil and that is the reason why prices are so high? If this is the case, then why is a domestic hurricane causing such an increase?

Just sayin!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Gossip Girl, Schmossip Girl

The new season of Gossip Girl is underway. And the more I watch it, the more I love it. And the more I love it, the more I think it might actually kind of be a dumb show?


I know, I know. How dare I? I'm ashamed of myself really. And while I genuinely do love the show, and will try my best to never miss an episode, it really is becoming more and more like the OC 2.0. Blake Lively (or maybe the chick that plays Jenny Humphreys) could be the next Mischa Barton although I think they both might be (slighty) better actresses. Chase Crawford is definitely Benjamin McKenzie/ Ryan Atwood madeover, and Dan Humphreys is the slightly awkward funny guy (Adam Brody anyone?).

We've also got the slightly bitchy rich mom, the troubled siblings, the wonderful vacays, you get where I"m going here. 

Don't get me wrong, I loved the OC.......when it started. Maybe the first two or three seasons were good and then it just became unwatchable? Wonder which New York socialite is going to dip her toes into the lesbian pool first (my vote is on Jenny fo sho).

Josh Schwartz, I love your tv shows man. But maybe we should mix it up a little more than just changing which coast and social scene the show is set in? Also, I hope you learned from where the OC went wrong- I'm already sensing a subtle decline in Gossip Girl quality from Season 1. Fix what went wrong with the OC because I'd like for Gossip Girl to be around (and good!) for a very long time.

Peace and Love.

10 Commandments of Facebook

Oh my goodness. I wish I had come up with this because it's pretty hilariously funny. Enjoy!

The 10 Commandments of Facebook

by Ross Wolinsky

The rise of social media has made it easier than ever to keep in touch with friends, relatives and coworkers. With a few keystrokes you can reconnect with an old high school buddy, learn what your coworker’s favorite band is, or play Scrabble with a friend who lives on the other side of the globe.

But while increased connectivity is an undeniably good thing, you can just as easily use it to annoy the living hell out of everyone you know. This is the internet, after all, and if something on the internet can be used in an annoying way, you can safely assume that 99% of the population will proceed to do so (go try reading a comment on YouTube if you don’t believe me).

People need rules to tell them how to act. Luckily I went to the top of Mount Internet last night, and God handed me down these 10 Commandments of Facebook for all to obey. Follow them or you’ll go to hell.

1. Thou Shalt Not List Every Movie, TV Show, Band and Book You Have Ever Heard Of In Your Profile

You like The OfficeI like The Office!!!”

Do you like Radiohead, A Confederacy of Dunces, and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off? Do you enjoy watchingThe Office and Family Guy? Of course you do - everyone likes those things. Why make it a point to express your enthusiasm for things that everyone likes?

Maybe you’re cooler than that. Maybe you’re into cool, obscure bands like Fela Kuti and Einstürzende Neubauten. Awesome, dude - you have impeccable taste in shit that nobody has ever heard of. Congratulations.

Everyone knows that a person is only as good as their taste in books, movies, bands and TV shows, but what exactly do you hope to accomplish by posting a 5,000-item laundry list? Are you going to forge deep and meaningful new relationships with people based on a mutual appreciation ofEntourage, or sever ties with good friends because they AREN’T into Fela Kuti? If you feel the need to share this information with the world (and I know that you do), keep it as short as possible. Remember: You’re not going to impress anyone. It’s the Internet. Nobody is impressed by ANYTHING on the Internet.

2. Thou Shalt Not “Poke” Indiscriminately

This guy was into “the poke.” He’s dead now (probably).

Maybe I’m missing something here, but as far as I can tell, “poking” people serves absolutely no purpose other than prompting the person on the other side to “poke” you back, sparking off a potentially infinite spiral of pointlessness that makes everyone involved just a little bit dumber than they were when it started. Before you know it you’re installing apps that offer “pro” pokes“office” pokes, and “sexy” pokes. “Indiscriminately” might not even be the right word here. How about “Thou Shalt Not ‘Poke’ EVER” or “Thou Shalt Not ‘Poke’ Because That Shit Is Completely Retarded And Pointless”?

3. Thou Shalt Not “Friend” People You Don’t Actually Know

This guy is Gladstone’s “friend.”

What does the word “friend” mean to you? It means different things to different people, but most would agree that a “friend” is someone that you actually know. Ideally someone you’ve met in real life. I know that’s not always going to be the case (Gladstone would have exactly ZERO friends on Facebook if he had to follow that rule), but I’m sure we can all agree that if someone is your friend, you should at least KNOW WHO THEY ARE.

If you vaguely remember someone from high school but you don’t remember how you actually knew them, then chances are you guys weren’t very good friends to begin with. Of course, it’s also entirely possible that you guys were total besties and you’re going through some sort of Memento-like amnesia. If so, disregard this commandment, add everyone you possibly can as a friend, and send them all messages that say, “WHO AM I? DEAR GOD, PLEASE TELL ME WHO I AM!”

4. Thou Shalt Not Use A Wall As A Private Messaging Function

The “Wall” is one of Facebook’s most popular features. That being said, there are times when it might be a good idea to move your conversation to a private venue. Here’s a handly little chart to help illustrate when it’s appropriate to communicate on a public Facebook wall, and when it’s INAPPROPRIATE to do so:

Hopefully that clears up some confusion.

5. Thou Shalt Not Join A Billion Groups

While it may very well be true that Dave Coulier shaves his balls, what more is there to say about it?

If you’re a black lesbian with a severe wheat allergy who also happens to be into Philip K. Dick and astrology, then you’re in luck: there are tons of groups on Facebook, and there’s sure to be at least one of them out there that caters to you. But with so many groups available, you have to draw a line in the sand somewhere. You might like chicken noodle soup quite a bit, but do you really need to join the Chicken Noodle Soup Group? Maybe you prefer sponges to forks, but do you really feel so strongly about it that you need to join SPONGES RULE - FORKS DONT!? If you think Gladstone is funny (and yes, I know that’s a big “if”), do you really want to join his group and announce it to the world? Of course not.

There’s nothing wrong with joining a few groups, but don’t go crazy. Oh - and don’t join Gladstone’s. Seriously. It will only encourage him.

6. Thou Shalt Not Use Stupid Apps

With so many fart-related apps to choose from, how do I know which one is right for me?

The other day I got a notification on Facebook letting me know that someone had “bought” me. Then someone else challenged me to a “race” where this crappy little car came up, I hit “Go!,” and a message popped up that said “YOU LOST THE RACE.” Then another notification popped up informing me that someone had “thrown a sheep” at me, asking if I’d like to install some sort of app to “throw a sheep” back at them. Then another notification popped up, but instead of clicking it I closed my laptop, walked down to the nearest highway overpass, and proceeded to get as drunk as a human being possibly can without dying.

There are thousands of apps available on Facebook, and although there are a few worth checking out, about 99.9% of them suck. A reasonably intelligent person should be able to tell the difference. If you can’t figure out which is which, maybe Facebook isn’t the place for you. Perhaps another social networking site would suit you better?

7. Thou Shalt Not Give “Gifts”

Q: What does all this crap have in common?
A: I don’t want any of it. (Except that Chinese paper lantern. That looks nice.)

I know this goes with the whole not-using-stupid-apps thing, but “gifts” are so stupid that they deserve their own commandment.

If you want to give me a “gift” of some kind - like a butterfly, a pink striped thong, or an adorable panda - give it to me in real life.

Yes, you heard me: give me a panda in real life.

I will raise it in my apartment, it will quickly become enormous and unmanageable, and then yes, it will most likely go on a rampage in my building and kill several people before being put down by a team of animal control specialists. Do I want all this senseless carnage? No, but given the choice, I’ll take a building full of dead neighbors over receiving a tiny picture of a pair of socks as a “gift” on Facebook.

Am I being too harsh? Maybe. Just give me that Chinese paper lantern and we’ll call it even.

8. Thou Shalt Not Contact People From Your Distant Past While Intoxicated

If you had a relatively normal childhood, you probably have some nice memories of the people you grew up with. Assuming those people feel the same way about you, Facebook creates a tinderbox-like atmosphere - all it takes is a few booze-soaked swipes at the keyboard to send off an incoherent missive that can easily shatter even the fondest of childhood memories.

It’s nice to let old friends know what you’ve been up to, but mixing Facebook with alcohol can be a potentially deadly combination.

9. Thou Shalt Not Update Thy Status Message If Thine Status Hath Not Changed (Or If You Have Nothing Clever To Say)

Status Update: Still watching the copy machine.

You have a full-time job, Monday through Friday, 9-5. We have a pretty good idea of what you’re doing when you’re at work - sitting at your desk, typing stuff, maybe talking on the phone every once in a while. Your weekdays are pretty predictable; your friends could use your routine to set their watches. You’re at work. We get it.

So here’s a tip: Wait until you either have something clever to say or - godforbid - something happens before you update your status message. A sandwich (good or bad), an observation about the upcoming election, a funny encounter in the hallway - it doesn’t have to be much, but it has to besomething. Here’s what I don’t need to know: that you’re still at your desk. I KNOW you’re at your desk. It’s a weekday during normal business hours. If your status hasn’t changed, why do you feel the need to “update” it?

10. Thou Shalt Not Act Like You’re On MySpace

Facebook: Not nearly enough glitter.

Welcome to Facebook - you’re all grown up now and it’s time to start acting like it. What does that mean? It means no more “pimping” out your page, no more “glitter” pictures, and no more crashing peoples’ browsers with tons of annoying embedded junk in your profile. Are you okay with that? Does the idea of a social networking site that is actually USABLE appeal to you? Even if it means you can’t make your page display blinking purple text on an animated rainbow background with Aqua’s “Barbie Girl” playing every time the page loads?

Yes, you can probably add some “pimp” apps or something if you really want to, but to do so you’re missing the point: Facebook and MySpace are completely different beasts. If you think a website with a white background looks “boring,” if you can’t go a day without filling out a survey and posting it as a bulletin, and if you can’t stand the idea of only being friends with actual people on a social networking website (as opposed to inanimate objects, abstract concepts and Tila Tequila), well, then maybe Facebook isn’t the place for you.

Or maybe I’m wrong. Feel free to throw a sheep at me and let me know.