Thursday, June 30, 2011

You Have GOT To Be Kidding Me

Dear Countess LuAnn de Lesseps,

You have GOT to stop it. Stop it, stop it, stop it. Your songs all seem to be about class and elegance, but what we have learned about you on this season of RHONY is that you are nothing but a low class bitch bully [that's right, I said it!]. What is WITH this video? Who keeps letting these jokers put out "music"? I love Andy Cohen, but if it's him, I swear to you I will hunt him down and end this right now [just kidding Andy, I love you]. I have to say, that I am a (sometimes) big fan of Jill Zarin but she just does not belong in this video for many, many reasons [one being that it kind of seems like shes trying to steal the show!]. My favorite part of the song has got to be when LuAnn tells Kelly to "bring the jelly beans!". Wow. That is quality writing right there. I bet the Recording Academy is already getting her Grammy ready! woohoo!

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