Monday, June 27, 2011


GUYS! Sometimes when I haven't posted for seven days, you've got to give me a little smack on the wrist and tell me to get my ass in gear! I'll be honest, my lack of posting is from sheer laziness [and pinterest obsession] because things have, thankfully, slowed down for me a little bit at work.

Hope you all had a stellar weekend. I did a whole bunch of nothing and spent some quality time with my Mule Mamas. I am currently drinking hot tea because I feel as though I might be getting sick [a little sea air probably would've cured this. thanks for nothing to a few that shall not be named!!!! ;)]

Lets kick off Music Monday with a little Anya Marina. I first heard about this chick when she covered TI's "Whatever You Like" a couple of years ago and recently re-ignited my spark for her when NoiseTrade did a sampler of 4 of her songs. Check them out below and if you like, head over to Noisetrade for a download.

Check back later today for more tunes!

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