Monday, June 27, 2011

Obsession of the Day

Ok, "day" hardly covers the depth of this obsession as it has been happening for weeks now. Like any other normal human being, I love having a good ole cup of Joe in the morning [although today it is tea- see previous post]. But when the temp gets around 90 degrees, I cannot bear to put any kind of hot liquid in my mouth and I turn to my beloved iced coffee. I usually just make it the janky way which involves loading a glass up with tons of ice, pouring hot coffee over it, adding a bit of creamer and trying to drink it fast before the melted ice completely ruins it. I have been trying to make actual iced coffee since reading this recipe on Smitten Kitchen, but I just keep forgetting [I have that problem].

Whilst at the grocery last week I thought to myself, "Self, you should see if Starbucks makes their instant coffee in an iced version". It was an inspired thought and as it turns out, Starbucks DOES make their Via coffee in an iced version...and it costs almost $8 for 6 packs. Uhhhhhh, what? I could get a real iced coffee in a plastic cup for that price! But never fear dear readers, our friends at the International Cafe division of Maxwell House have come up with their own alternative for less than $3 a box [each box includes 6 packets].

Is it as delicious as a real iced latte? Probably not. Does it do the job for an acceptable price? Absolutely. I enjoyed the French Vanilla flavor and made it with water instead of milk [slightly ghetto, I know, but I didn't have a choice]. I thought it tasted fine with water and a bit of creamer, but I 'm sure it would be more delicious with some ice cold milk.

Do you guys have any iced coffee tricks? If so, please share them!

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