Monday, June 20, 2011

Music Monday: Album Review

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had a fabulous weekend! The rain definitely destroyed some of my weekend plans, but it couldn't keep the fun down and now I am super tired and wishing for another day off. Here's hoping another 4 day weekend appears somewhere between now and the 4th of July.

In the past few weeks I have been listening, NON-STOP, to the new My Morning Jacket album. I have never been a huge My Morning Jacket fan; not that I didn't like them, I did, but I just never REALLY got into them. I'd heard a number of people talking about how great their new album is, and in the midst of an iTunes spree I decided to purchase. I do not, repeat do not, regret my decision. After falling hard and fast for Circuital, I will definitely be revisiting the other MMJ albums I have in my catalog. Also, I think its fair for me to say that sometimes I don't give artists/albums a fair shot if everyone else is all up on their nuts. I'm stubborn like that sometimes.

Circuital begins with a deep base line with the musical emotion ebb and flowing throughout the rest of the record. There are plenty of upbeat songs [that, frankly, make me wanna DANCE], and then there are wonderfully melancholy songs like "Wonderful (The Way I Feel)" and "Movin Away". This album is top notch from beginning to end and I couldn't recommend it more strongly. The only complaint that I have about Circuital is that there are only 10 tracks! It's just so good that I want MORE.

Check out the album in its entirety and let me know your thoughts. I smell some serious Grammy nominations in their future.

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