Monday, June 6, 2011

Obsession of the Day

On this past Friday night, I had the joy and the honor of walking with my mother at her local Relay for Life. My mother happens to be one of the strongest women I know and has unfortunately battled two different types of unrelated cancers in the past three years. Relay for Life has always been special to me as cancer seems to run in my family [ I have lost an aunt, grandmother and grandfather to the disease], but it is extra special each time I participate with my sweet mama.

Relay for Life has been raising money for cancer research and patient assistance since 1985, but it has also become a medium to raise cancer awareness, celebrate survivors, remember those who lost the fight with cancer, and to unite communities in the fight against cancer. It is estimated that since its inception, Relay for Life has raised over $3 billion dollars for cancer research.

It was a very special moment for me and many others when all of the survivors in attendance took their jubilant "Survivors Walk" around the track, proudly boasting the number of years since they beat cancer. One of the most touching moments of our night was during the luminary ceremony. Attendees are encouraged to buy luminaries [paper bags filled with sand and a candle] and to decorate them with the name of a friend or loved one who has either survived cancer or lost the fight. All the lights in the stadium are turned off, and all you see are these beautiful lights surrounding the high school football field track. Across from us in the stands, were the words "Hope" and "Cure" with the number "25" in the middle.

Back in the fall my alma mater, Columbia Central High School, won the State Championship in football the very same day that they lost their beloved teammate, Dylan Rebeor, to his fight with colon cancer. It had been 58 years since the Lions had won the title of State Champs and 7 months since Dylan had been diagnosed. The entire football team volunteered at Relay for Life on Friday night in Dylan's honor, and Relay in turn honored Dylan with the luminary of his football number, #25. The football team was sitting in the bleachers next to me and my mom [they took up 3 rows] and after Dylan was honored they all put their arms around each other and unabashedly cried for the loss of their friend.

And that, dear readers, is why Relay for Life and the American Cancer Society are my Obsession of the Day. I hope that it isn't, but it could be you one day. Support your local chapter of ACS and support those you know who are suffering from this awful disease.

With love,
Your Friend Lela

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