Thursday, January 5, 2012

Who Knows What Time It Is?

It's Girl Scout Cookie time!!!! While Christmas usually checks in as "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year", Girl Scout cookie season comes in as a close second. The timing is curious, waiting just long enough for all of us to fall off our New Years Resolution wagons and console ourselves in a pile of Samoas. Somebody over there is using their ticker.

This year, there's a new Girl Scout Cookie in town, the Savannah Smile.
Now, obviously, this cookie would automatically be better if the name were instead "Sara Smile" in an ode to Hall & Oates, who I'm sure eat loads and loads of Girl Scout Cookies. Instead, it's more lamely named after the hometown of the Girl Scouts, Savannah, GA. Whatevs.

Savannah Smiles
The Savannah Smile is a bite-sized, lemon-wedge cookie dusted in powdered sugar and bursting with lemon flavor. I'm not sure that's enough for me to fall off the resolution wagon, but sure, I'll try one.

Get on out there and support your local Girl Scout troupe, and let me know if you like the Savannah Smiles! If you can't find any cookies, just swing by my office around Valentine's Day. The nation's stock will most likely be here.

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