Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year

Good Morning Everyone! I sure have missed you all! After a very fabulous and relaxing Christmas vacation [with the exception of one very sick day], I am happy to say the blog is back!

I hope everyone is having a stellar 2012 thus far. I have to say that 2011 wasn't exactly the favorite year of my life, but I really feel like things are on the up and up. I kind of have a love/hate relationship with resolutions, so I've kind of restructured the typical set up this year and instead have a list of Resolutions, Goals, and a 2012 Bucket List.

My resolutions are relatively boring, like start a retirement fund, create a good emergency fund, etc. Boring things that I can actually achieve. Some of my goals including cursing less, taking more pictures, blogging more (yay!), and actually getting up right when my alarm goes off (this didn't go so well yesterday, but was much easier today). My Bucket List is in a very new phase [I just started it last night], but right now I want to do something courageous and do some volunteer work. My hope is that as I achieve this things I will mark them off my list and as I think of new things I will add them and by the end of 2012 I will be feeling new inside and out. What have you resolved to do in 2012?

OK, enough of the mushy mushy, let's get on to some celebrity gossip already!!!!

To Be Continued.....

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