Monday, January 9, 2012

Beyonce Baby Bump Watch: THE CHILD IS COME

Ladies and Gentlemen, this news is official: Roc Nation's new princess is officially here! Blue Ivy Carter was born in Lenox Hill hospital yesterday via c-section.

Blue Ivy? Certainly not the weirdest celeb baby name, but definitely seems like these two creative types could have come up with something better. Allegedly, the baby is named after Jay-Z infamous album Blueprint and Beyonce's favorite number [4, which in Roman numerials is IV, hence the name. It also happens to be the name of her most recent album. Do we really think they are egotistical enough to name their child after two of their records?? Well, on second thought, maybe so].

I'm also slightly confused because I remember VERY vividly that Jay-Z once told me "If I had a daughter, guess what I'ma call her, Brooklyn Carter". So, really this child's name should be Brooklyn. Rude.

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