Thursday, January 5, 2012

Obsession of the Day

My New Gratitude Journal

Gratitude: A Journal [Book]

I am very obsessed with having a planner to carry everywhere with me and while searching for a 2012 edition, I decided that I wanted to snag a journal too. I've always wanted to be a journaler but have always lacked the motivation, so I decided that this year was the year. When I saw this Gratitude Journal, I knew that it was mine. My problem had always been being able to find the words to write in a journal, but how simple is it to be able to write down every single day one or two things that you are thankful for? Even when times are hard, practicing something like this can really help us realize all of our daily blessings.

Today, I am thankful for this beautiful January weather. What are YOU thankful for?

1 comment:

Brittany said...

You! and handmade cards :)