Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The End of the World is COMING

In tragic news that can only be attributed to the impending Apocalypse, Hostess [maker of all things delicious like Twinkies, HoHos, DingDongs, Snoballs, Zingers, Wonderbread and the classic Cupcake] has filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. Dun dun DUNNNNN. Darn those Mayans, they've really ruined it for us.

Hostess is currently facing around $860 million dollars worth of debt, which is more than you can shake a stick at. Some companies are able to recover from this type of financial disaster, so I recommend that we all hope and pray that Hostess will pull through. If they don't, what in the world will America eat at their State Fairs if Fried Twinkies are not available?? Often imitated, never duplicated, Twinkies are a classic. Time to stock up friends......just in case.

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