Monday, January 16, 2012

Golden Globes: A Fashion Recap

Everyone's favorite awards show (is it?) was on last night and, frankly, it was kind of a bore. With the exception of Elton John's bitchy attitude, everyone was quite polite, very thankful, and incredibly complimentary of their co-stars and co-nominees. Even Ricky Gervais was pretty tame! I think last year will go down in history as the best Golden Globes ever. But enough about that, on to the fashion!!!


Emma Stone just does not know how to disappoint us, does she! Great actress, great film selection, great red carpet looks EVERY TIME. This Lanvin dress is perfect for her and I love that her hair is a more muted tone of red so that it isn't competing with the dress. Bravo.

Um, this isn't funny anymore. Did you want to be the one to tell Angelina that she looks incredibly unhealthy and incredibly uncute, or did you want me to? It might help a pinch if she at least had a little color, didn't have such a severe hair and was wearing a dress that had even an ounce of creativity, originality or style to it. This looks like a prom dress from David's Bridal. You can do ( and eat ) better!

I actually quite love this dress on Sophia Vergara (I'm sure I'd be saying the same thing even if she were wearing a paper sack) but she gets a "Meh" because her hair and make up are terribly boring. I'm not mad that she wore it down, but it's just so stick straight- this is how we see you every week on Modern Family! The Golden Globes are pretty much it for the TVsters until the Emmy's roll around, so why not totally live it up?? You can do better.

Redeeming herself for her awful People's Choice selection is Lea Michele. Dress is unique and fits her like a glove and the hair and make up is lovely (Angelina, this is how you do an updo without looking like an ice queen).

Um, no. Naya Rivera from Glee was almost unrecognizable to me in this photo because she looks SO much older than she actually is. Also, I'm sorry, but this dress looks homemade. Leave the smocked (or is that ELASTIC??) necklines to 3 year olds from the South.

The first time I looked at this photo I thought "I love that dress" and the second time I looked at it I thought "Ew, I kind of hate that dress". This back and forth went on for approximately 10 minutes before I decided that "Meh" was a good compromise.

I'm a sucker for sparkles, its true, but I think Nicole Richie really does look phenomenal in this dress. Credit must be given to her hair and credit must also be given to that 5 (or 10) extra pounds she is carrying. She looks incredibly healthy and happy. Get it gurl.

Is she for real? Why the wig, Zooey? Why the lime green? Why the dots that seem to be invading your boob zone and preparing for attack. Why in general? Just why?

Another look that I really couldn't decide how I felt about. She looks completely lovely, and the dress is a really nice cut for her, but I'm pretty sure it's made of velvet which kind of makes me want to barf.

Salma Hayek may just get The Most Va-Va-Voom Of The Night Award from me because she looked absolutely STUNNING in her Gucci gown. It is so unfair that this woman is in her 40s and has had a child in the last 5 years and still looks so phenomenal. Well done ladybug!

No. Paula Patton annoyed the crap out of me most of the night because she was acting like a small town girl at a big town party. She kept doing this weird thing with her mouth on the red carpet, gave a standing ovation to EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON. that won an award, and in general acted a lot like her character in Just Wright. Maybe that's why I'm so mad at her.

I think that this dress was really headed in a great direction, and then the designer probably took some Adderall and drank 10 Red Bulls and instead of perfection, we got this as the final result. The fabric is stunning, but there's a saggy section between her breasts that isn't totally noticeable in this picture but was incredibly distracting on television. Also, it makes her look somewhat matronly. Close, but no banana.

Ladies, this is how you do black on the red carpet. Pay attention.

Oh sweet little Katherine McPhee, how you tried. I feel as though her dress should have definitely been floor length, but what I'm most upset about is the nude color from head to toe. Girls who are extremely pale have GOT to find a wear to wear neutrals that don't make them look like they are completely naked.

I'm to the point where I pretty much despise Madonna in general, but the top of her dress is really lovely. I do not, however, love the bottom nor the randomized green square that begin the fade. You can do better.

I think Kristen Wiig looks perfectly lovely, but-say it with me- You Can Do Better! Bridesmaids unfortunately got robbed and did not win in the Comedy category, but this had the potential to be her big night! Glam it up sister! This looks is just a bit lackluster.

While there isn't anything completely out of the box about Claire Dane's dress, I think it was a home run. It fit her to a T and looked slightly better on television than it does in this photograph. I will say that next time her stylist may want to bring along some Band Aids in her kit thankyouverymuch.

Why hello, Miss Chiquita Banana, thank you for coming to our Awards Show!

This is pretty much a lesson in how NOT to do black on the red carpet.

From the neck up she could use some help, but that dress is fabulous!

It almost looks as if she thought she might try to recycle her wedding dress and just swirled blue paint all over it. This look is not cute, Buffy.

There's nothing unbecoming about Roony Mara's look, but it seems to me that one might try to seperate themselves from their character a bit more. Add some hideous bangs and an eyebrow ring and you've got Lisbeth Salander right there on the red carpet for all to see. Get out of your box a bit.

Diane Lane is one classy broad and she looked absolutely stunning last night.

This dress could potentially be cute in the right setting [barn wedding, perhaps?] but its just not a good fit for the Golden Globes.

I cannot put my finger on why, but this dress is WEIRD.

Something in me wants to dislike this dress, but I just can't!!! I kind of adore everything about her look.

On the contrary here, something about me wants to love this dress, but I can't get past the "meh" factor. I do, however, love, love, love Debra Messing.

I quite like the light lavender color of this dress. The material is beautiful and the color is so delicate that it is almost a neutral [light skinned ladies, see above about neutrals that don't actually make you look nude].

Don't hate it, but I certainly don't love it.

I mean, duh.

Cute dress, but sweetie pie needs some color in her hair [a glaze or something!] and a bit more make up on her face.

A close second for the Va-Va-Voom Award. She looks so happy!

I like, but I don't. You get the idea by now.

At this point, I've kind of run out of dresses that I totally hate, so let me just share the last few looks with you that I really enjoyed.

Not bad for someone who started out on The Secret Life of the American Teenager. ABC Family continues to be the most overlooked network that can get you to the Golden Globes.

This is how a flesh toned dress is supposed to be worn- with a tan and some colorful jewelry!

Tina Fey kept some of her curbs after that last baby and I am liking them!!

Love this on her.

And there you have it! Stay tuned in the next few weeks for we shall likely be receiving Oscar Nominations in that time. I have a LOT of movies to see!

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