Thursday, September 1, 2011

Trashy TV: Monday-Friday

One of my very favorite blogs, Gawker, has compiled a guide to the fall television line up. Finally! Somebody is writing for ME. Because you know who needs a tv guide? THIS GIRL. So many good [and not so good] shows to watch, and so little time! I'm pretty sure a venn diagram would be more helpful, but for now Gawker's guide will do.

These guys went REALLY in depth, which I appreciate and respect but, frankly, don't have time for. I have a real job guys. I've edited their list into my own which is only the shows that I am interested in watching. I give all credit for the rest of this post to Gawker. I even stole their show descriptions [I'm sorry, not "stole" but "cited"].


When? Tuesday, September 13, 9pm
Which Channel? CW
What Is It? Sarah Michelle Geller returns to TV to play a poor woman who is on the run and starts impersonating her posh twin sister when she goes missing. Sounds confusing—and kickass.
Should You Watch It? Oh, hell yes!

Up All Night

When? Wednesday, September 14, 10pm
Which Channel? NBC
What Is It? Underappreciated comedic actors Will Arnett and Christina Applegate play new parents trying to balance their social and professional lives with a new kid. Maya Rudolph is part of a strong supporting cast.
Should You Watch It? Though the concept threatens to get staler than a 3-day-old used Pamper, Arnett and Applegate are always a treat.

2 Broke Girls

When? Monday, September 19, 9:30pm
Which Channel? CBS
What Is It? A rich girl has to get a job at a diner after her Daddy Warbucks is locked in jail and she ends up moving in with the poor girl she works with at the diner.
Should You Watch It? This has a laugh track and is written by Michael Patrick King, who we still haven't forgiven for Sex and the City 2: Menopause Never Sleeps. So, no.

Lela's Note: This show may only last for 3 episodes, but I'm prprobably going to watch all of them. Sue me!

New Girl

When? Tuesday, September 20, 9pm
Which Channel? Fox
What Is It? Indie movie vegan singer Zooey Deschanel gets dumped by her boyfriend and moves in with three bachelors have have to teach her how to find love again. No party animals were harmed in the making of this show.
Should You Watch It? This looks like it has the potential to be funny, but it also looks like you might want to claw Zooey's face off after 10 minutes.


When? Thursday, September 22, 9:30pm
Which Channel? NBC
What Is It? Comedian Whitney Cummings plays an annoying girl with a boyfriend and she annoys people and its supposed to be funny like she's Larry David or something, but she's not.
Should You Watch It? Our enthusiasm is completely curbed.

Lela's note: I am slowly realizing that my taste in television is awful.

Person of Interest

When? Thursday, September 22, and 9pm
Which Channel? CBS
What Is It? Created by J.J. Abrams and Jonathan Nolan (brother of Inception's Christopher) this psychic spy series follows a billionaire who developed software that can predict who is going to be involved in crime. He teams up with a former CIA agent to help prevent crime from ever happening again. As things usually do when Mr. Abrams is involved, mysteries will sprout from mysteries.
Should You Watch It? My interest is high.

Terra Nova

When? Monday, September 26, 8pm
Which Channel? Fox
What Is It? This much-delayed project from Steven Spielberg is about a family that leave a dystopian future to go back to prehistoric times to find a way to save their dying planet. Dinosaur chases abound.
Should You Watch It? It looks dramatic, expensive, and pretty damn cool.


When? Wednesday, September 28, 8:30pm
Which Channel? ABC
What Is It? A teenage girl has to leave her hip home in the city for the suburbs when her father finds a box of condoms in her dresser. Would he rather find that or a baby in her uterus? Hmm? Lots of jokes about how the suburbs suck ensue.
Should You Watch It? Those of us that wanted to escape the suburbs already have. Why go back?


When? Sunday, October 2, 10pm
Which Channel? Showtime
What Is It? Claire Danes plays a skeptical CIA agent investigating the preternatural length of her eyebrows or some other sort of spooky CIA black-ops in Baghdad type stuff. Oh, Mandy Patinkin is there too. Maybe he'll sing some Sondheim.
Should You Watch It? I have a feeling this is one of those shows people will watch and I won't and they'll be all like "You have to watchHomeland," and their insistance will make me not want to so I'll never watch it and then like four seasons in I'll decide to watch them all on DVD and think, "God, Brian, you are such an asshole for not watching this show when it started." I have a feeling it will be like that. Or not.

Man Up

When? Tuesday, October 18, 8:30
Which Channel? ABC
What Is It? Three guys have to learn how to be men again. Yes, cause that is the number one problem facing America today: how men aren't allowed to be fat and play video games and scream in public and slag off on their wives and kids. God, it is so hard to be straight, white, and male, isn't it? Assholes.
Should You Watch It? Just put your hand under the band of your sweatpants and fart instead.

Once Upon a Time

When? Sunday, October 23, 8pm
Which Channel? ABC
What Is It? A town in Maine is actually filled with characters from fairy tales, and they slowly awaken and start to figure out who they really are.
Should You Watch It? This could be cute, especially if you have kids. But don't get too invested.

Allen Gregory

When? Sunday, October 30, at 8:30pm
Which Channel? Fox
What Is It? The latest addition to their all-animated Sunday night features a super precocious millionaire kid who is forced to attend second grade with the rest of the plebs. Johan Hill does the voice.
Should You Watch It? This doesn't look half bad, and it makes it even better that you don't actually have to look at Jonah Hil

Hell on Wheels

When? Sunday, November 6, 10pm
Which Channel? AMC
What Is It? Cable's biggest prestige network (sorry HBO) goes all Western on our asses with this show about the building of the Continental Railroad. Because that is boring, there is also a story about a Confederate soldier out for vengeance against the Yanks who killed his wife.
Should You Watch It? If you don't then you hate the south and you hate America. Just remember that.

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