Thursday, September 15, 2011

Trashy Tv: Monday-Friday, NEWS EDITION

Ladies and Gentlemen of the blog, did you just feel the earth rumble beneath you? Did you see a volcano erupt out of nowhere? Is a tsunami headed towards your office building? If so, don't fear, it is not the apocalypse, but rather the earth is as stunned as I am that four castmembers from The Real Housewives of New York have been fired. Fired!

Cindy Barshop, Kelly Bensimon, Alex McCord [a founding cast member] and Jill Zarin [also a founding castmember] have all been giving the axe, according to the Huffington Post. I think this is a very interesting, if not somewhat confusing, development. I agree there needs to be some fresh blood [since Cindy did not add anything interesting to the show at all this past season], but I'm not sure that I totally agree with getting rid of Jill. If they were going to do this, I almost wish they would've just scrapped them all and started from scratch. It seems to me that everything just got to such a jumbled point that the producers heard themselves saying, "Who's gonna fix this? SANTA?!" and then they knew that it was time for some change.

I will certainly miss the crazy......kind of. Here's a tribute to the craziness that has happened in the past couple of seasons. enjoy!

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