Monday, September 19, 2011

Everyone's A Winner!

The 2011 Emmy's were last night, and while I didn't watch [despite my love for television, the Emmys are a total snooze fest to me], you know I still have to do a fashion recap. I was surprised when looking at over a hundred photos this morning that the fashion was actually quite phenomenal. There were only a handful of looks like the ones below, that I didn't fully enjoy.
Would be totally fine with this dress if it didn't have the belly cut out. Really Gwyneth, we get it, you're in better shape than the rest of the world. I still don't need to see it.
Sorry my beloved Kyle, but this dress just ain't cuttin the mustard!

Are these real people or wax figurines? Why is Seal glistening so?
She looks lovely but this look gets a NO because she is too young to have her chichi's out like that!
This dress is actually pretty lovely, but i feel like it ages Diana about 15 years. You gotta do strapless and sparkles when you're young lady love. Save the blue satin for your forties!
This dress is just too close to her skin tone. It is slightly skeeving me out.

But as for the rest of Emmy fashion, I really felt like everyone did an outstanding job! Which look is your favorite?
Classic and lovely, yet super sexy in red!
This column dress looks amazing on her figure. It's simple yet not boring, an excellent combo.
Beautiful as always. Lovin that the ladies are rockin the red.
To be honest, I was slightly on the fence about this one, but she just looks so great over all that i had to give her a thumbs up.
Loving this look. Wouldn't this be a fun wedding dress?

This dress is absolutely to die for. I don't think I've ever seen anything like it.
Love it
Love the blue metallics. How fun!
I'm pretty sure that only Joel McHale could rock a powder blue tux jacket and still look smokin hot.
Meow, meow!! Again with the blue metallics- absolutely loving this trend!
Sophia always brings it. This Vera Wang is out.of.the.park!
Darren Criss....yum.
Love the variation on the lace dress by going with a grey tone. Very chic.
Sparkle, sparkle, meow, meow!
I do really like this dress on her, but I wish the color was perhaps a bit darker. This shade washes her out a bit.
love it!
Again, another red carpet look that would transition seamlessly to a wedding celebration. This dress is beyond elegant.
I think Giuliana looks gorgeous, but please please please eat something. I'm not buying that there's not an issue here. Italian women are simply NOT naturally THAT thin.
LOVE. What a perfect reflection of her personality
Yes please.
She was a total bitch in Mildred Pierce, but this dress is perfection.
The hair is whack, but the dress is WOW.
Love it, love it.

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