Thursday, September 29, 2011

Movie Trailer Thursday

I saw the trailer for this movie last week when I went to see Pearl Jam 20. I am absolutely dying to see it as it looks HILARIOUS.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Obsession of the Day

The new Feist album! No, it isn't out quite yet [you'll have to wait til Tuesday in the US] but Pitchfork is streaming the entire thing. Just put your email in the box below and wait for the link to be sent to you. You won't be sorry, I promise. I'm listening now and LOVING. Enjoy!

Stream the New Feist Album

Trashy TV: Monday-Friday

We have certainly got some trashy tv catching up to do! Fall is here which means that television is back and in full force. All of our favorites are back, including Glee, Gossip Girl, 30 Rock, Modern Family, The Office and many, many more, and some of our summer favorites have gone away like Weeds [what the WHAT was up with that ending? Please, please, please bring it back for another season!]. But none of those shows really have the reality trash level that warrants a write up [not just yet anyway]. So lets jump into some guilty pleasures, shall we?

If y'all aren't watching this show, you don't know what you're missing! I made my gubby [a term a picked up from Courtney Kerr, thankyouverymuch] watch it with me on Monday night to settle our nerves after watching Weeds and, I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure he liked it! If you haven't been watching, not much has changed. Courtney and Matt are still in love but won't admit it [ I mean, come on guys, you'd be ADORABLE together. Just get over it and sex each other up], Matt is still halfway dating Neill the 34 year old who claims she's 23 [if she's really 23, then she's doin something wrong, am i right?], Drew is still way too entitled because of his daddy's last name, Glenn is still adorable, and Tara is still RICH.

I need to take a minute to point something out. Drew is a BULLY. That's really all there is to it. The guy is a straight up bully. I say this not to criticize necessarily, but more so because I kind of feel sorry for him. He's been very open about his dramatic weight loss [very admirable, i might add], and I can imagine that being 400+ pounds must have been very hard on him and he must have endured a lot of teasing. It's not surprising to me that, as a result of being the victim, he has now become the predator. It's not all that uncommon for such a role reversal to happen after a dramatic life change. If I had to guess, I'd say that Drew is still very insecure about the way he looks [don't be! you're rockin it!] and is very intimidated by Matt's good looks and charm and Courtney's take no bullshit, aggressive attitude [meant as a compliment]. It seems as though he feels as though he should strike whenever one of those too are stepping a little too close on his territory or opinion.

A word of advice: Don't do that, Drew. You are a relatively likable guy until you fly off the handle on your friends. I would barely call my worst enemy a C U Next Tuesday, much less someone that I call friend. Now granted, Courtney was not being very considerate of the conversation and was talking over you quite a bit [tsk tsk, CK, let everyone have a turn], but your reaction was over the top. Also, Dallas is a BIG city. There is room for more than one person to do charity work. Don't be intimidated by the fact that Matt is trying to get involved. Just cool it out a pinch, k?

Also, Tara rescued a dog this week. Yay!

Ok, this is my first recap of Season 2 of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and, really, this season has started off with a bang. Of course, we all knew about the tragic suicide of Russell Armstrong, Taylor's [at the time] estranged husband, so that alone has put kind of a heavy mood on the show. It's almost like having some sort of psychic vision on the season. I find myself wanting to be like, "Don't say that, he's going to commit suicide!" or "Save those tears, honey, you're gonna need them later." It's all very, very sad. The saddest part to me is how fragile Taylor is because of the whole situation. She's extremely thin and on a serious verge of a nervous breakdown. I'm very curious at what point in the season she'll announce her and Russell's seperation. Is that sick?

Not much has changed with any of the other girls. Lisa is still phenomenally rich, Kyle still has the cutest family ever [and a new house!], Kim is still tittering on the edge of CRAZYTOWN [and is possibly still drunk......a lot], Adrienne is maybe bringing her basketball team to Los Angeles and the fans in Sacramento are NOT happy about it, and Camille is still a very smug, unlikable person who can now add divorcee to her resume. This week, they introduced Brandy Glanville to the show, who I hope, hope, HOPE is not going to be a regular member of the cast because I despise her. She happens to be Eddie Cibrian's ex-wife [she is the one he left for LeAnn Rimes as you may recall] and has a janky face, janky foot, and a janky attitude. She gets a big fat NO MA'AM from me. She could potentially be the thing that makes me stop watching this show [gasp! say it ain't so!].

This may be the first time that a lot of you are hearing about Dirty Soap and that's ok, it just started. It's essentially a reality show where they follow around current or (recently) former Soap Opera stars. Um, why hasn't anyone thought of this before now? This idea is BRILLIANT. Soap Operas are so intensely dramatic that there is no way all the drama stays on set. Now we get to see what REALLY happens.

The pilot wasn't too exciting, but pilots rarely are. I"ll give it at least one more watch before making my final decision. I would say that soap opera's ["stories" as i like to call them] were a pretty big part of my formative years and even though I dont currently watch them, it doesn't mean I can't appreciate the drama. I'll keep you posted.

All right, now everyone get out there and watch some trashy tv!

This post was brought to you by:

[ok not really, but i wish!]

Oh I Wish I Were An Olsen, Olsen, Olsen

I just love the Olsen sisters, don't you? Stylish. Independent. Tiny enough to fit in your pocket. And talented. Did I mention talented? This family has got it going on.

I'm so excited to see the twins younger sister, Elizabeth, in her upcoming film Martha Marcy May Marlene. The film looks slightly dark and twisted and I'm curious how she'll back as an actress, although something tells me she'll be phenominal.

Elizabeth is on the cover is Nylon magazine this month and I just think she is SO pretty. She looks like pieces of her currently more famous sisters [Ashley's eyes and Mary Kate's lips in my opinion], but stands out enough that you might not even realize they were sisters if you didn't know. Looking forward to this girls career- something tells me it's going to be exciting!

PS- do you think she gets TONS of Elizabeth and James clothing for free? Super jealy!

It's a Real Life CONTAGION

Ok, that might be a little dramatic, it isn't exactly a Contagion per say, but it is an outbreak of disease originating from.....cantaloupes. Bet you never thought the terrorists would try to get us via delicious fruit, did you? But it's pretty brilliant when you think about it!

Oh, what's that? The terrorists didn't do this? The cantaloupes are just naturally contaminated? Oh. Well that makes this movie plot line much less interesting. Oh wait......this is just a blog post. Nevermind! Onto the news...

So a bunch of cantaloupes originating from Colorado have officially taken the lives of 16 people due to a listeria contamination. Listeria is a bacteria that has a mortality rate that is 25x higher than that of salmonella, a much more well known bacterial food borne illness (salmonella's mortality rate is 1%, listerosis by comparision is 25%. yikes.). One of the reasons that listeria is so danger is because the bacteria can grow in a wide variety of temperatures, from as low as a refrigerator (39.2 F) to as high as the body's natural temperature (98.6 F). Scary stuff, right?

Cases of listeria from the contaminated 'lopes have been reported in California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Maryland, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming [wooo, that's a lot!]. However, the cantaloupes were shipped to numerous other states, including Tennessee.

My advice? Don't eat cantaloupes. The infected fruit was traced back to Jensen Farms in Holly, Colorado and will be labeled with a sticker that reads "Colorado Grown", "Distributed by Frontera Produce", "" or " Sweet Rocky Fords". If you currently have one of the cantaloupes in your home, the CDC recommends throwing it out immediately and clean and sanitize any surfaces it may have touched.

The cantaloupes were shipped from July 29 to September 10, so even if you don't currently have one in your home but potentially had one previously, be on the look out for symptoms. Listeria has a very long incubation period, so many people do not get sick until weeks after they have eaten the cantaloupe. Symptoms can include: fever, muscle aches, diarrhea, nausea, headache, stiff neck, confusion or changes in alertness, loss of balance and convulsions. If you experience any of these symptoms, please go to a doctor immediately for treatmeant. I for one had cantaloupe last week in California and while I imagine I am safe from harm since it was past the ship date, you just never know! If anyone sees me experiencing any of these symptoms, please take me to a doctor because it is highly unlikely I will go on my own. ;)

Everyone be safe!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Monday, September 26, 2011

Obsession of the Day

I may or may not have done quite a bit of shopping this weekend in LA [some of it may or may not have been at D-A-S-H. If you don't know what that is, then we are no longer friends. If you do, then please don't judge me]. I wanted to share a few of my favorite purchases with you.

I was introduced to Nordstrom Rack this week and it was a PLEASURE to meet it. I got a few things there, but this Twenty8Twelve leather jacket was my favorite piece
of treasure. I can't wait for it to cool off a pinch more so I can wear it!

One of my other favorite purchases is the House of Harlow rose gold arrow necklace that I got at D-A-S-H. I am wearing it today and I happen to think that it is adorable!

Music Monday Continues.....

with a little Gavin DeGraw [who also kept me very good company on my plane rides over the weekend]. I posted here about how much I love his new single, but really the entire album is yummylicious. I can't get enough of "Not Over You" but I think I listened to "Where You Are" at least ten times in a row on the airplane last night. I've been a fan since the beginning [freshman year of college, what what], but I really think this might be his best album to date. What do you guys think?


Check out the video for Kelly Clarkson's new single "Mr. Know It All" below. There's nothing too exciting about the video, but I'm still uber excited for her new album.


This story makes my heart hurt and smile all at the same time. I want this puppy more than life itself. Does anyone want to get her for me?


Music Monday: Is This For Realz?

This just goes to show that literally anyone can be a rapper these days.


Hi Everyone! Hope you all had a fabulous weekend. I spent mine in Los Angeles with some of my favorite people spotting celebs, shopping and stepping in vomit. It was great!

Lets start off your Monday with the fabulous Tori Amos. Even if you haven't been a fan in the past, I dare you to give this album a listen. It's light and airy without feeling like "Diet Tori". Nuni shout out for recommending it to me.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Obsession of the Day: California Edition

The new NeedtoBreathe album which made for good company on the four hour flight out here.

(Note: not in album order)
The Magic Castle where we are going tonight for magic show!


The new Gavin Degraw which also made for good company on the airplane. I absolutely cannot get enough of his new single "Not Over You''. I would like to note however that he looks like an epic douche in the video.


Paper or Plastik Cafe where I am about to go get some yummylicious coffee and grub.

Hope everyone is having a fabulous Friday. Here's to the freakin weekend!

Work Week Wind Down

As I mentioned here, I don't totally love Coldplay's first single off their forthcoming album Mylo Xyloto [which drops on my birthday peeps!], but I actually really enjoyed the video for "Every Teardrop is a Waterfall" and wanted to share it with you guys for your Friday.

We also have the new video from Sara Bareilles for "Gonna Get Over You". This is one of my top 5 favorite songs on this album [ but really the entire thing is phenominal. Check out my (now incomplete) review here, but definitely buy the album, especially if you have a space reserved in your heart for cheesy girl music like me.] Jonah Hill directed this video and its a pretty fun way to get your Friday started!

And finally, I am somewhat embarassed to say that I recently purchased the Demi Lovato album, but I am not embarssed at all tos ay that I am completely obsessed with her single "Skyscraper". I enjoy the self empowerment message [see about about cheesy girly music], but more importantly homegirl can actually sing. She's been through a lot this year- Your Friend Lela is sending her best wishes and mucho success.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Trashy TV: Monday-Friday

Glee started back this week and as most of you know, it's one of my very favorite shows, but I happen to be on vacation and taking a small break from the blog. I believe this video below explains the season opener pretty well. And that's what you missed on......Sesame Street?

[How did they find a puppet to look just like Sue Sylvester and even on that looks like it has a touch of Down?]

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Happy Hump Day

I heard this little ditty on the way in to work this morning and thought I should share.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Movie Review: Contagion

In a world where very scary, incredibly infectious diseases can be created by slight contact and spread like wildfire, where millions upon millions of people die and have to be buried in body bags, where a disease mutates and multiplies faster than anyone can create an anti-body for it, you have: CONTAGION.

Oh wait. That world is our world.

I went and saw Contagion with my friend Jonathan on Thursdsay night [Nuni shout out!] and for the most part really enjoyed it. There wasn't anything specific that I didn't like about it, but it somehow fell slightly short of what I expected it to be. Everyone who's anyone is in this movie [Gwyneth Paltrow, Matt Damon, Lawrence Fishburn, Jude Law, Kate Winslet, and the list goes on and on] and while the star studded cast does provide some fairly stellar acting, the movie still falls short.

Essentially, the movie opens with Gwyneth Paltrow being one of the first people in America do contract this deadly disease. Matt Damon plays her husband, who is luckily immune from the scary, scary virus. We then go on a roller coaster ride surrounding Damon's character and his daughter [who may or may not be immune], to Fishburn's character who is a head at the Centers for Disease Control where they are desperately trying to put a stop to this stubborn virus, to Kate Winslet who works for Fishburn's character and is sent "into the field" which happens to be Matt Damons home time. That is just scratching the surface of the jumbled complications of this film.

In my opinion, it's definitely worth watching because the creepiest of movies are the ones that could actually happen, and ladies and gentlemen, this story line was only slightly left of real. A friend of mine was telling me about a book called The Hot Zone which is a terrifying true story of how the Ebola virus almost came to America. So the stuff in the movie is not all science fiction, it's legitimately something that could happen. The Center for Disease Control even issued a letter answering the inevitable questions that would arise upon the release of the movie.

My final two cents? Wash your hands, see the movie, but wait til it's out on DVD. You'll be less skeeved out in the comfort of your own home and may even enjoy your popcorn.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Music Monday...

It is a dreary, rainy Monday and I'm not mad about it at all [although I do wish I were napping!]. Here's a little music for the mood.

Music Monday

While the passing of Amy Winehouse will always be seen as a tragedy, especially now that the world knows she died from trying so hard to get clean, she will most likely always be known as a legend. It's only appropriate that the last song she recorded was with another legend, Tony Bennett.

Everyone's A Winner!

The 2011 Emmy's were last night, and while I didn't watch [despite my love for television, the Emmys are a total snooze fest to me], you know I still have to do a fashion recap. I was surprised when looking at over a hundred photos this morning that the fashion was actually quite phenomenal. There were only a handful of looks like the ones below, that I didn't fully enjoy.
Would be totally fine with this dress if it didn't have the belly cut out. Really Gwyneth, we get it, you're in better shape than the rest of the world. I still don't need to see it.
Sorry my beloved Kyle, but this dress just ain't cuttin the mustard!

Are these real people or wax figurines? Why is Seal glistening so?
She looks lovely but this look gets a NO because she is too young to have her chichi's out like that!
This dress is actually pretty lovely, but i feel like it ages Diana about 15 years. You gotta do strapless and sparkles when you're young lady love. Save the blue satin for your forties!
This dress is just too close to her skin tone. It is slightly skeeving me out.

But as for the rest of Emmy fashion, I really felt like everyone did an outstanding job! Which look is your favorite?
Classic and lovely, yet super sexy in red!
This column dress looks amazing on her figure. It's simple yet not boring, an excellent combo.
Beautiful as always. Lovin that the ladies are rockin the red.
To be honest, I was slightly on the fence about this one, but she just looks so great over all that i had to give her a thumbs up.
Loving this look. Wouldn't this be a fun wedding dress?

This dress is absolutely to die for. I don't think I've ever seen anything like it.
Love it
Love the blue metallics. How fun!
I'm pretty sure that only Joel McHale could rock a powder blue tux jacket and still look smokin hot.
Meow, meow!! Again with the blue metallics- absolutely loving this trend!
Sophia always brings it. This Vera Wang is out.of.the.park!
Darren Criss....yum.
Love the variation on the lace dress by going with a grey tone. Very chic.
Sparkle, sparkle, meow, meow!
I do really like this dress on her, but I wish the color was perhaps a bit darker. This shade washes her out a bit.
love it!
Again, another red carpet look that would transition seamlessly to a wedding celebration. This dress is beyond elegant.
I think Giuliana looks gorgeous, but please please please eat something. I'm not buying that there's not an issue here. Italian women are simply NOT naturally THAT thin.
LOVE. What a perfect reflection of her personality
Yes please.
She was a total bitch in Mildred Pierce, but this dress is perfection.
The hair is whack, but the dress is WOW.
Love it, love it.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Obsession of the Day

Shobop's new wedding boutique. The world's favorite [or maybe just my favorite?] site for low to high end designer looks is now compiling pieces into a wedding boutique. With categories from Wedding Dresses to Bridesmaids Dresses to Lingerie to Honeymoon, they really cover any occasion you could think of that surrounds a wedding. I imagined that most of the pieces would be high end and therefore very expensive, but there are some very reasonably priced dresses! Check out some of my favorites below.

Temperley London Long Ruffle Dress

Temperley London, $1795.00
[Love this. So elegant yet simple.]

Kaelen, $1,125.00

Nightcap Clothing, $630.00
[That is a STEAL for such a gorgeous dress. Beautiful for a winter wedding]

Notte, by MARCHESA, $930.00
[Will I ever have $930 for my wedding dress budget? Not unless this blog picks up some steam! However, spending less than a grand on a MARCHESA gown is yet another steal.]

Reem Acra, $5500.00
[Die. So Pretty.]

Rachel Zoe, $595.00
[This dress is very romantic, and a little more in my personal price range.]

Temperley London, $1,495.00
[So chic!]

Thread Social, $1,225.00
[This is as close to a princess dress as you'd ever see me, but I love that the skirt is removable and it leaves you with a super sexy party dress.]

Notte by MARCHESA, $895.00
[Another winner at a winning price point. #WINNING]

ADAM, $346.50 (on sale)
[Um, YES PLEASE. For my own personal style, I love love love love love this dress. Would it be too weird if I bought it now and found the groom later? What a deal!]

Halston Heritage, $447.50 (on sale)
[This dress is so, so pretty. Enough said.]