Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Gas Crisis....

Appears to be over- hooray! I filled up my tank for 3.35 yesterday!!! Today, it was down to 3.27. Granted, I understand how sad it is that I am excited to pay 3.35 for gas, but you've got to admit, it's way better than 4. 19. My brother has even seen it for 2.99. Things are looking up my friends.

But who knows how long it will last. It sems like fuels of all kinds are just getting more and more expensive. It's going to cost an arm and leg to heat your house this winter! And that got me thinking......

(imagine a Wayne's World dream sequence of sorts)

......about a world where trash can fuel electricity. Hold on now! Stay with me.

It appears that in addition to a gas shortage, we have a trash surplus. Sure, People seem to be recycling now more than ever, but it's just not enough. The landfills of our past are useless- thigns just aren't decomposing (and REALLY?- Who's idea was that? Hey guys, let's just BURY the trash and surely it will go away right?).

So- imagine- in a perfect world, we are still recycling, but we have developed a clean and efficient way to burn trash and turn it into fuel. Doesn't this essentially kill two birds with one stone???

(ok dream sequence of sorts over. back to reality)

Why has no one else thought of this. Why am I a genius? Why is this probably not going to work?
(Answers to any and all questions encouraged)


B to the RIAN said...

haven't you seen any of the "back to the future" movies??? the delorien runs on trash! they are working on it!

Lela said...

haha- actually, i haven't. wah waah.