Thursday, October 2, 2008

I Die

I have a confession to make: I am obsessed with reality television. It's not so much that I actually love it and must know what is happening in each and every show, but more like when you're eating your 4th Ding Dong not because you're hungry, but because it's there.


That said, I'm not all about the reality game shows (ie Survivor, Amazing Race), but more about shows that just follow people around; The Hills, That Dumb Kimora Lee Simmons Show, and now The Rachel Zoe Project.

This woman is some THING else. and I probably mean that in the best way possible. She is fabuous to the max with a FIERCE team- and by fierce I mean FIERCE- Taylor is likely to eat you! She has a phenominal make up artist who makes her look gorgeous (not gonna lie, the girl looks ROUGH without her face on). She also has a new assistang named Brad who is the cutest little gay EVER. I literally want to scoop him up and put him in my pocket and take him everywhere with me.

I want one. I do. Where can I get a Brad?

Anyway, one of the things I like the most about the show is the funny things that Rachel says ( Mostly "I Die". Which I have now adopted for my life. It started out as me making fun her. Now I just don't know anymore).

Jossip had a fun "Rachel Zoe glossary" posted today, so I thought I'd share. Enjoy!

"Shut up right now"
Used to suggest disbelief. Zoe uses this with some regularity in Episode 2.

"Witch vibes, witch vibes"
The otherworldly, almost supernatural sensation she feels when a dress is just right.

"Hero dress"
The perfect gown, the one that will save the day.

"Shutting it down"
Performing positively. As in, "Debra [Messing] is totally shutting it down," on the Emmy carpet.

"I feel like somebody punched me in the face and then woke me up"
Describes exhaustion, i.e. how tired Zoe feels after getting her clients dressed for the SAG awards.

"I'm a soldier of rising above it all,"
Describes her ability to overcome what the media says about her.

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