Friday, October 17, 2008

So Many Things Wrong!

There are so many things wrong with that picture. For the sake of kindness, let's start with the things that are not wrong:
1)Her hair looks nice
2) Her lips are not neon pink

Now then:
1) Why is she so mad???? That frown is un-a-ttractive. 
2) Let's talk about the frown again.....
3) THOSE TA TAS!!!! Seriously, whoever did her boob job should be put down ( as in euthanized. as in killed.). It looks like someone just took two huge rocks and put them under her skin. Here's some free advice Chris Chris- put them AWAY!!!!! Sure, I understand that you just had a baby and you want the world to know that you are still zexy, but every now and again, let your boobies rest. They're tired of being out all the time ( and we're tired of seeing them)

Just sayin!

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