Tuesday, October 14, 2008

This Is TRULY Ridiculous

For those of you who don't know me, I am probably the most bi partisan person you will ever meet. I hate mud slinging. I hate name calling. I hate asshole politicians who always think they're right. The issue should not be whether you are Democrat or Republican, but whether or not you are going to make the decision that is right for America (speaking in terms of politicians- and no, one particular party does not have your best interests at hearts, but some individuals in each party do).

That being said, I mostly despise it when one candidate trashes another- tell me what YOU are going to do. I also despise it when rich celebrities get on their political high horses and try to act like they know more about politics than the rest of us b/c they are rich and famous ( did most of them even GO to college? What do they know about political science and the way the country runs? For most of them (not all) that answer is probably very little).

That is why the video below bothers me so incredibly much. Not because it's Pro Obama- do NOT misunderstand that- it's because its so fiercely and unnecessarily Anti McCain. THIS is exactly what our country does not need. THIS is fixing nothing ("Voting Republican even once can have disasterous effects that can last for years"- um, seriously?????)

This blog might not make any sense since I'm obvi upset by this, so here is the video. Democrat or Republican, I think this video is just outrageous ( and I would be saying the exact same thing if it were a McCain anti Obama video)

1 comment:

Melinda said...

wow. there are no words.

actually there are so many i don't have time to type b/c i have a job and things to do.

but believe me. i could say some things.