Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Music Moments

Do you guys remember a few weeks ago when I told you about Holly Williams new record and how you should get it as soon as it came out?

Well, it's out as of last Tuesday [I know, I'm a little behind] and if you haven't listened to it by now then you are WRONG. It is truly one of the best albums out of Nashville in a long little while. Holly's style is polished but almost bare boned at the same time. No autotune despite the fact that there are a few moments that could have used it, but how REFRESHING that it was left as is. The Highway is almost like an old piano that is loved in and worn, with a few scratches in the wood and thin ivory, and a note or two that doesn't quite keep tune like they used to, but man oh man it creates a sound like no other piano you've ever heard.

It seems as though Holly's goal was to create a real country album, one that even her grandfather could be proud of. At times I hear influences from Emmylou Harris and Gillian Welch, and others Williams' is a sound all her own.

Check out The Highway below and, if you love it, please support this artist is is creating genuine, quality music.

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