Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Silly Bulldog

This puppy thinks he's an elephant!!


Happy Hump Day!!! Here's a quick little playlist to jumpstart your morning.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Music Monday Ends

Here are the last of my favorite VMA performances. Can't wait to see Adele in October!

And I loved the Amy Winehouse tribute. I am so glad they picked Bruno to perform "Valerie" [which happens to be one of my favorite songs that Amy recorded]. It was super fun and lighthearted and exactly what a tribute should be.

VMA Music Monday continues....

Ok, one of the overall most entertaining performances last night definitely belongs to Chris Brown. You don't have to feel bad if you like it- he's sorry y'all!!

VMA Music Monday

My absolute, absolute FAVORITE performance of last night was Jay-Z and Kanye West performaning as The Throne. That shit was SICK and I cannot wait to see them in Atlanta. I thought it was hilarious when the security guard hopped on stage to tackle the crazy person and Jay didn't know that said crazy person was behind him and he threw up his arm like "what the hell man????" and THEN saw the crazy person and was like "aw, nevermind, mad props for doin your job!". Made me laugh out loud. Amazing.

VMA Music Monday

I have to say, there were a whole lot of really amazing performances at the VMAs last night. One of my favorites was Beyonce's performance of "Love on Top" [even though I'm pretty sure she was lip syncing. You can tell because she isnt very good at it. To her credit, she probably isn't good at it because she never, ever has to do it because homegurl can blow. To her additional credit, having a baby on board can most definitely effect performances abilities].

My favorite part of the performance was at the end where she dropped the mic and revealed her belly. I almost died! I missed the red carpet and her pregnancy poses there, so it was a complete surprise to me. And the way Jay-Z was looking at her.......omg, so presh. I hope that one day I have a man that will be so excited about having a baby. I am abnormally excited for them. I do not know these people in real life. I will never meet this baby, but somehow it is still just so exciting!! Hip hop royalty is on the way! I hope they don't give the baby a name, just a symbol. A diamond of course. /\


The older I get, the more I think that I probably shouldn't care about watching the VMAs and that there are probably more important things that I could be doing with my time. But, every year, I just can't stay away. I just have to know! The performances! The fashion! The antics!

Speaking of antics.........Lady Gaga, or should I say Joe Calderone...........really??? Really. No, seriously, really? What the freakity frack was that bullshit? I really think she has lost her damn mind. Her performance was fine, but that opening monologue? What the?? And then she completely highjacked Britney Spears acceptance of the award- how low class was that?? You aren't funny! No one is bemused by your act. And Britney seemed a little uncomfortable [how could you not be??]. I hope Jo Calderone is the death of Lady Gaga. She needs to go away, once and for all.

On to the fashion!


I simply adore, adore, adore Adele. Her hair looks phenomenal here and I love the shoes, but my one complaint about her is that she is so YOUNG and constantly looks like a spinster because of her clothing choices. I'm not saying that she needs to wear a dress cut up to her coochie, but come on sweets, bust out of the box a little bit and dress your age! She really has a fabulous, curvy figure and would look really great in a number of different cuts and styles, but I can't help but feel like she is a bit self conscious about it. I'm here to tell ya- break the mold! You look great!

I am so beyond over Justin Beiber. This outfit is just........I can't. I'm fine with the blazer, and I'm even fine with the red pants. But those glasses? No. Those shoes? Hell no! His disrespect for Kanye and Jay-Z's performance? You're dead to me, Beibs.

Ok, so........Another reason that I hope Lady Gaga goes away soon is because she has upped the ante on "fashion weird" and now everyone is trying to "out weird" one another and, frankly, it's making my head hurt! Why, why, why when you are a gorgeous young girl with a smokin hot bod, would you not want to wear a cute dress that makes you look amazing? Why would you instead put on this very odd fashion concoction, dye your hair pink [purple?], and carry a parasol???? Why???? Katy Perry, listen to me and listen to me good. You are too good for this. TOO GOOD. Go back to black with that hair and wear something CUTE.

Selena Gomez is young but she gets it right almost every single time on the red carpet. Love this look for her. Well done!

So, I think Britney actually looked really great last night, and I happen to really like her black lace romper, but I had to give her a "Meh" because those shoes are just not doing it for me. Why, why, why are people making and wearing open toed boots? Please tell me on what universe that makes sense? I have to say, when I was at her show in Nashville last month, I couldn't help but notice how atrocious her shoes were and wondered if they were all left over from her original tours from over 10 years ago. Based on the fashion, I would have to say "yes". Perhaps these are from her show shoe collection? Guys, can we get her some new show shoes? Yes? Yeah? Great.

I had to post this picture too because I think she and Jason make such an adorable couple and he just looked incredibly dapper last night.

See pretty much all Katy Perry comments above and feel free to apply them here. You wanna dress like a total freaking weirdo on stage and make it a part of your act? Fine by me! But on the red carpet?? Seriously, what is this?? So she's dragging around a super weird stuffed animal by a chain that is attached to her finger, she has on a ginormous ice cream cone necklace, a SARS mask [?], about 3 layers of tights, and ridiculous hair. I really just don't even know what to say here. I've got nothing. But again.......gorgeous girl and great figure. Quit hiding!

In the past, I have kind of been known to hate on Ne-Yo a little bit. I'm not sure why I was drinking his haterade, but I'll admit it, I just didn't like the guy. I'm also not a huge fan of Pitbull, but that song they did together is my JAM. I love this red carpet look for him. Sparkly grandpa sweater? Don't mind if I do, Ne-Yo!

I'm fine with this dress, but with those shoes??? No ma'am. Fire your stylist.

J-Wow frequently needs to put her boobies away, and she should consider eating something [as well as figuring out what is making her face look so OLD]. Otherwise, she looked pretty great!

Snooki on the other hand.....I'm glad that her Zantrex 3 is working out for her [she looks great!], but that dress is wearing her when it should be the other way around.

This dress is absolutely amazing on Kim Kardashian. Win win win!

Uh, who invited Rainbow Brite to the VMAs? Deena happens to be one of my favorite gals on The Jersey Shore, but this mess has got to go! I have to say, I'm not even supremely mad at the dress, but the dress combined with that hella trashy hair and make up job is making me want to gouge my eyes out. She looks like she wore last nights hair and make up on the red carpet. Dats a big no no Deena, even for a Jersey girl.

Vinny on the other hand- MEOW!!! Let me see a little more of that chest tattoo mister!!

I've got an angel on one shoulder telling met that I love this dress and a devil on the other telling me that I hate it. I think the cut of this dress is really nice and I happen to think that over all, Miley looks great, I'm just not sure if I'm on board with the print and design.

Ok, I have no idea what happened to Jessie J's foot, but if you were wearing a hideous bootie to the VMAs and happened to be the house band leader, wouldn't you consider wearing a long dress of some sort instead of accentuating the hideousness on your leg? Yeah, I would too. FAIL.

Rehab did Demi Levato some good [and evidently got her some new boobies!]. She has been looking really great [and healthy!] lately. Keep it up Demi!

I'm glad that JoJo is starting to be relevant again, but can we get her a new stylist? Thanks.

Somehow I am not as mad at this look on Kreayshawn because she's straight from the crystal meth hoods of California, so she may not know better. It still gets a FAIL.

Now, I'm not one of those Twi-hards by any means and am not trying to be one of those age inappropriate girls who thinks that Taylor Lautner is hot, but he was looking pretty great on the red carpet last night. Not bad young one, Not bad at all!

1) when did JC Chasez get so old?
2) thanks for putting some effort into that outfit!

What did you guys think of the VMAs and the red carpet? Stay tuned for some of my favorite performances!


Happy Monday all! Last night was the VMAs, so expect a full recap here in a bit, but more importantly, let's talk about why this is the second best Monday of the month. Wait, you don't know? It's the second best Monday of the month because Tha Carter IV came out today. All heeelllllll yeah. First we get Watch the Throne and now this? August is being good to us!!! Please find selections from Lil Wayne's newest album below and check back later for more Music Monday fun.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Obsession of the Day

Marchesa's 2012 Resort Collection. Meeeeeeow!


You are weird. And I love it.

Pretty Much Amazing

Music Monday

New Feist, New Feist, New Feist!!!!!!!!

Feist has a new album, Metals, coming out October 3rd, and we fiiiinnnnallly have a first listen to one of the songs. Check out "How Come You Never Go There" below. Thoughts?

Friday, August 19, 2011

Yes Yes Yes

New Cool Kids. Love it. Happy Friday!

Friday Funday

Everyone have a good week? Well, if you didn't, it doesn't matter cause its finally Friday! Woohoo!

So currently, thanks in part to XM's XL Hip Hop and in part to my girl Alex [shout out!], I am completely obsessed with Drakes "Marvin's Room". I would like to say first of all, it makes me sad that Drake is so sad. Second of all, I think that I could help make him not sad. Third of all, is this song about Nicki Minaj? I would like to know.

This song is so solid that it seems like anyone and everyone is doing a remix. Below are my two favorites.

And Freakin JoJo!!!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Trashy TV: Monday-Friday

It has been one HOT minute since I have done a trashy tv post [in fact, it's been over a year!]. It's not that I've stopped watching trashy tv [i haven't] or that the tv has gotten any less trashy [it definitely hasn't] but everything just kind of seemed to run together for a bit. I still love The Real Housewives franchise, but that's mostly the same story different book and nothing else has had the sheer trashiness to really excite me. Until......

God bless Bravo and Andy Cohen because they never, ever let me down. Last night they premiered a new show, Most Eligible Dallas and it is phe-nom-inal! Phenominal! The sheer classy trashiness of this show is brilliant.

The gist is this: there are 5 close friends who live in Dallas who are all single [6 if you count the date of one of the dudes who I think is going to be a big part of the season, but I can't really tell.]

Glenn- an ambiguously aged bachelor who is a kicker and punter in the NFL [currently playing for the Oakland Raiders, but I believe he named around 7 teams last night that he has played for. That doesn't give me much confidence in his kicking and punting skills, despite the fact that he was once employed by my beloved Titans]. Glenn is the super hotty who might just be too into the way he looks. Six packs are good, manorexic is not. Glenn is single and ready to mingle and made it clear in last nights episode that he is NOT looking for a relationship, but overall he seems like a pretty nice dude. I predict some sort of hookup with Courtney this season [more on her later].

Matt- an ambiguously rich playboy who did not reveal a career of any kind on last nights premiere episode, but his Bravo bio says that he played football for the University of Texas, was drafted into the NFL until an injury ruined those plans [isn't that what they all say?], and currently works for his family's company. Google also reveals that Matt dated Audrina Patridge last year. Innnnnnntersting. The plot thickens. All I saw last night was a dude driving around in a fancy car, hitting on lots of women, thinking very highly of himself and not caring a lot about other peoples feelings. At the end of last nights episode, he introduced his 23 year old "friend" Neill, who is an aspiring singer [barrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrf]. I predict a three way catfight with Matt, Neill and Matt's best gal pal Courtney.

Tara- also ambiguously aged [she looks older than the others?] uber rich dog rescuer who has been engaged 4 times. She lives in one of the most prestigious neighborhoods in Dallas and is neighbors to George W. Bush and.....her parents. Yawn. She seems to be besties with the one gay fella on the show, Drew, as well as Courtney. She seems like she could get catty and I sure hope she does cause she kind of bored me last night.

Courtney- a 29 year old who is looking for love in all the wrong places, mostly because she is looking to her best friend Matt who ain't a bit interested in her. She wants a husband and a baby but instead is reduced to going to clubs, judging Matt's friends on their "cheap dress and plastic heels" [to her credit, those girls were trash], and managing a sunglasses store. Oh, my mistake, a MILLION DOLLAR PROFIT PER YEAR sunglasses store. I'm sure that makes a difference. Give Courtney ANY face and she could put sunglasses on it. Er, is that a skill? I'm pretty sure I could do that.....I predict her having an aha! moment about her feelings for Matt, being rejected, and taking too many pain pill Jessie Spano style this season.

Drew- the uber rich, token gay guy. Drew is one of the few who actually revealed where his dolla bills come from- his parents! His family evidently owns many high end car dealerships in Dallas which makes his last name "recognizable". Drew also used to weigh over 400 pounds, and had gastric bypass and a slew of other operations to make him look like what he does today. I have to can tell. He totally has the attitude of a gay person who used to be fat! Now, I love the gays, I think everyone knows that, but Queens are another story, and Drew ain't nothin but a Queen in sheeps clothing. He tries to act like he's not a stereotypical gay male. Newsflash: he's worse! He's a stereotypical gay male who has a fat complex and is in denial about being a stereotypical gay male. Sigh. Shit is going to get interesting with him fo sho!

I hope that you will all share in my fascination of Most Eligible Dallas. So far it has done nothing to dissuade me from possibly moving to the Big D, rather, it has only made my curiosity grow. Most Eligible Dallas is on Monday nights on Bravo, right after The Millionaire Matchmaker [oh how I wish this post was sponsored....].

It's a Warm Your Heart Kind of Day

If I were able to cry tears like a real human, I would have definitely shed one or two at this video of a huge ole Great Dane getting super excited at his military dad's return home. I dare you to not love this.

Movie Review: The Help

Go see The Help, Go see The Help, Go see The Help!!!

Ok, now that I have gotten that out of my system, lets talk about the movie. For those of you who had not read the book like me [and yes, I am ashamed that I didn't read the book first, but I just coudn't wait!], you may be wondering what exactly this movie is all about. The movie is set in Jackson, Mississippi in the early 1960s at the beginning of the Civil Rights movement. Mississippi was one of the last states to give any kind of rights to black people and the movie focuses primarily on black maids that are working in the city.

The main character, Skeeter, sees the relationship between white folks and their maids quite differently than her extremely snotty friends, either because she is more educated or because she is more Christian [you be the judge]. One of her closest high school friends, Hilly, has written an initiative for the sanitation board that would require white people with "colored" help to build them a seperate bathroom outside instead of allowing them to use the guest bath because "they carry different diseases than white people". This is the beginning of Skeeters aggravation with "the system" at the time and she begins interviewing Aibileen, the maid of her friend Elizabeth, about what being a maid is like from the maids perspective, something that had never been done at that time. She eventually gets Aibileen's best friend Minny on board to share her stories as well, and begins writing a book that ends up being a collection of stories from a substantial number of maids in the neighborhood.

I came out of the movie feeling a number of things, but I think the foremost emotion was that I am almost ashamed sometimes that I am a white person. I am ashamed that people who share my color of skin act as those we are a better race and would do things like require maids to set their coffee down in front of them instead of hand it to them, lest their skin actually touch. How degrading and awful! I also felt like I am glad to be living in the era that I am in, mostly because I probably would've spent some time in jail during the civil rights movement [it was illegal in Mississippi to create propaganda that proposed blacks be equal to whites] and also because I am thankful that we have almost fully moved on from our country's previous racists ways [although, in the words of Kanye, "racisms still alive, they just be concealin it"].

The moral of this post is, go see this movie. It is very enlightening as well as very touching. And, if you're like me and haven't read the book yet, I recommend starting it soon!

Rememeber: You is kind, You is smart, You is important.

Monday, August 15, 2011


I'll give you one guess as to who is on the cover of W Magazine below.

If you guessed incorrectly, you should try to use your context clues a little more because it definitely says her name on the cover. However, if you didn't cheat and were only looking at her face, did you happen to guess Kristen Stewart?? I NEVER would have! Who knew that she could look so lovely and lady like? She actually reminds me a little bit of a dark headed Lindsey Lohan in this picture, if Lindsey Lohan had never touched the good stuff.

Good game, guys!

Want I Want NOW!: Zara Edition

Nashville truly is one of my most favoritest [yes i am aware that's not a real word] places in the whole wide world, and I am hardly left wanting for anything here but there are always exceptions to the rule. My two exceptions would be H&M and Zara. Ohhhh blessed Zara. So elegant and chic but also so hip to the streets. Below I've chosen some of my favorites from Zara's fall collection that you can currently find here.

Do I need a new coat? No. Do I die for this military inspired wool jacket? Yes. Yes I do.
I love the slight puffiness of this jacket and the faux fur hood [we must always go faux, children].
I have been DYING to find a red blazer, and the fact that this one has a slight polka dot print gets me giddy like a teenaged school girl.
So classic and chic yet still so modern and wearable.
You've heard of a sharped dressed man? Well, you will be a sharp dressed lady in this white tuxedo blazer! Super hot with a pair of leather leggings. Meow!
I LOVE this dress. You'd be surprised at how easy it is to add a little sparkle into your life, even in Nashville. This is definitely on my list of things to buy.
This leather dress on the other hand is not something that I could see myself rocking well, but it is sassy as hell and I just had to include it here.
Sailor Stripe comfy dress? You know I will.
So cute! I tried on a dress like this at a boutique in Franklin a couple of years ago, but didn't buy it and I have kicked myself for it ever since. Would be outrageously cute with the White Tuxedo Blazer and equally adorable with a simple cardigan and boots. I love versatility.
I also love maxi skirts. Maxi anything really. I want this with an oversized swearter, warm tights and cozy boots for fall and winter. Bring it on!
I'm not sure if we should be happy or sad that culottes are making a comeback, but as long as they are in this super chic [and comfy!] form, I shall never be mad at them.
Gold denim?? Why did it take us this long to come up with this idea? Sold!
Absolutely nothing says fall like layers and layers of plaid and flannel. Where do I sign up?

I love the easiness of this shirt. It has a slightly wrinkled look, enough so that you can tell the look is on purpose, but not so much so that you feel like you have to iron it. That's what I call the perfect shirt!

And now for my favorite part- shoes!!!!
I love the bootie with the sophisticated lady-like toe. We've seen tons of chunky booties these past two seasons [which i am not mad at all], but this is a nice refreshing change.
Um, MEOW! Perfect with a pair of leather legggings!
These are the perfect oxfords. Not too masculine and not too hipster. The perfect combo.
These are a nice, classy step up from the tall Minnetonka moccasin boots I've been eyeing. I can haz both?
Very similar to the Jeffrey Campbell booties I've been coveting since last fall.
Moss green suede peep toe pumps? Say no more.
These flats couldn't be more adorable if they tried.