Tuesday, August 2, 2011


A few weeks ago a friend and I [Mal shout out!] went to check out the new Jason Bateman, Charlie Day, and Jason Sudeikis movie Horrible Bosses. I was absolutely DYING to see this movie because I simply adore all three of these actors and loved the comedy chemistry between Sudeikis and Day in Going the Distance [which, if you haven't seen, I highly recommend]. However, I was a little concerned that this might be one of those films where all of the best clips are shown in the trailer and you are left wanting more when the movie was finished. Well.....

...that was only partially right. The movie started VERY slow and showed many of the familiar jokes from the trailer. I was properly setting myself up for a severe disappointment, but as it turned out the movie picked up, comedy ensued, and I cannot even count the number of times that I laughed out loud. Kevin Spacey, Jennifer Aniston and Colin Farrell are absolutely hilarious as the horrible bosses, and the two Jasons and Charlie play rightfully disgruntled employees who decide that the best way to get their bosses out of their lives is to "off" them. Being middle class white guys from the suburbs, they have no idea how to do this themselves, so they find a "murder coach" played by Jamie Foxx.

My verdict is: Go See It This Weekend! It's definitely worth seeing in theaters where you have a bunch of other people to giggle with.

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