Monday, August 1, 2011


Good morning all! Sorry I was a little slow on the uptake this morning, but I am still recovering from the Ke$ha show last night. Oy vey!

Recently, a co-worker was listening to some sweet jams and I was like "Hey Co-worker! What are those sweet jams??" and she said "It's the Tedeschi Trucks Band, duh!". I thought, "I really like the sound of that. I should purchase!". But then, as I tend to do, I forgot.

Then Saturday when I was riding in a friends car, they were listening to some sweet jams and I was like "Hey Friend! What are those sweet jams??" and he was like "It's the Tedeschi Trucks Band, duh!". I thought, "Ok, I REALLY have to buy this cd now." and, luckily, this time I remembered.

Check them out below and, if you don't forget, purchase the album! It's really, really great.

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