Thursday, April 15, 2010

Trashy TV: Monday- Friday

It has been a HOT minute since I have done a Trashy TV recap. Tuesday Television was far too good this week for me to ignore it. Let's dive right in.

First up: LOST
If you don't watch LOST or haven't seen the episode, you may want to skip ahead. However, I barely understood what the frack was going on, so this little post probably won't ruin anything for you. So there's Desmond. Desmond is all calm on the island and is all like "Aloha, lets do the luau cause I'm so chill" and SmokeMonster is like, "Dude why aren't you scared of me? EVERYONE is scared of me. It kind of hurts my feelings," and then he begins to cry. Then Desmond is all like, "Pehea'oe? Maika'i no au" and Flocke is like "What the what?? Into the well you go!"

Meanwhile, in the sideways time shift, or whatever we're calling it now, Hurley meets Libby [she's alive!] who remembers him and the island, but Hurley just thinks its cause she's in a mental hospital and she's cray cray. Desmond swoops in over Hurley bucket of chicken and is like "Yo, she's legit!" so Hurley goes to the mental hospital and asks her out on a date. Then they kiss and HURLEY REMEMBERS THE ISLAND TOO!!!! Then Desmond runs a wheelchair bound Locke over with a car.

I am LOST [no pun intended]. I'll start thinking about what all of this could mean and I'll get this close to something that makes sense, and then my brain shuts down. It's like a really intense calculus problem [i fricking HATE calculus]. So, I'm going to stop thinking about it and just watch. It's the only solution that makes sense to me.

Now, onto GLEE.

Glee is the most brilliant show on television. If you don't agree then you should stop reading my blog because I don't like you anymore. Ok, wait, WAIT, I only have like 10 readers, so stick around. We'll agree to disagree.

So Will and Emma are kind of together. Then Emma reveals she's a virgin- TWIST! No, but seriously- Will, have you ever MET her? Of COURSE she's a virgin. It makes perfect sense. So Will almost gets his jollies with the director of Vocal Adrenaline, who looks suspiciously similar to Rachel Berry [anyone else think this casting director has a "type"?].

Rachel and Finn are dating, but then Rachel is crazy so Finn breaks up with her. I don't mean to be repetitive, but have you MET Rachel? Of COURSE she's crazy. So Rachel meets the star of Vocal Adrenaline and immediately falls in love with him. Of course he doesn't actually like her, he's GAY, but he neeeeeds her sseeeeeecrets. mwah hahahahah!

I wasn't head over heels over the song selections for the entire show but I have literally listened to their version of "Hello" by Lionel Richie no less than 30 times in the past 24 hours. I wish that was an exaggeration. It isn't. Here's hoping you enjoy it as much as me.

1 comment:

Fully said...

I love Glee too. However, I didn't think this was their best episode. I did love the Vogue homage though. I'm really looking forward to the Madonna episode and the Lady Gaga one as well.