Thursday, October 30, 2008

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Friday, October 24, 2008

If You Need Halloween Costume Suggestions

October 24, 2008
Holey SheetDailyCandy Plays Dress Up

Last year, a slew of Freudian slips crashed your Halloween party.
What happened to the simple costumes of All Hallow’s past?
Well, we ain’t afraid of no ghost. And neither is lifestyle aficionado Jessica Murnane, who shared her freakishly creative guide to kicking it old school this Halloween.

1. Buy a queen-size flat sheet (see guide below).
2. Find a trusty friend to help.
3. Turn sheet inside out.
4. Center sheet on your head (make sure length in front and back is equal).
5. Dust off souvenir shot glass you never thought you’d use. Trace glass for both eyes and mouth.
6. Take off sheet and cut out holes. Turn right side out.

Preppy Ghost:Have your monogram stitched on a crisp, classic white sheet.

Hipster Ghost:Hipsters are too cool to dress up. A white V-neck should do the trick. (Don’t forget the attitude.)

Modern Ghost:Look boo-tiful and bold with geometric shapes and color blocks by Jonathan Adler.

Tombstone(r) Ghost (a.k.a. Deadhead Ghost)Channel your hippie spirit with tie-dye.

VIP of the RIP GhostThe gaudiest ghost at the gala with a thread count so high it’s scary.
Humani-terrifying Ghost (a.k.a Pretty in Pink Ghost) Support Breast Cancer Awareness month and think pink with your sheet.

ChicaghostFace it: It’s cold in the Chi. Sometimes a sheet isn’t enough. Stay warm and cozy with a quilt instead.

Happy Halloween, boo.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


I find the article below to be incredibly interesting. I consider myself more of an Independent than a Republican or Democrat. I don't restrict myself into voting within party lines. I want the candidate who is best for our city/state/country. I have definitely had some struggle with who I am going to vote for this November, but the time has come to make up my mind (and yours too). I challenege everyone, whether you are Republican or Democrat, to take a good look at the candidate you are choosing to vote for and determine why you are voting for them. Some of your reasons are not going to be good, and if you find yourself in that position- reevaluate your vote.

Eric Hirshberg

Posted October 22, 2008 | 05:21 PM (EST)

There are a number of people in my life -- some family, some friends, some colleagues -- with whom I have never agreed upon anything political. Ever. These are my political opposites. My bizarre-o twins. And they have been my adversaries in countless debates; the kind nobody ever wins, but nobody ever seems to tire of, either. 

Sadly, politics have become sort of a new sports league in modern culture. We don't really listen to each other's points of view so much as we pick a side and root for it. And just as with our favorite sports teams, our faith in our parties can become blind. I have had about as much success convincing my Republican father-in-law of my liberal points of view as I have had convincing my father, an Ohio State alumnus, to root for Michigan.

But over the last few months, something unprecedented has happened. Almost all these folks have told me that, for the first time ever, they are voting for the same candidate I am: Barack Obama. 

Now, these are not casual conservatives. These are people who, each in their own way, are deeply committed to their conservative beliefs. For most, this will be the first time they have voted for a Democrat in their entire lives. And when taken as a whole, they represent a fair cross section of the Republican Party. Some younger, some older. Some fiscally driven, some culturally driven. But almost all, up until now, have been intractable. Yet here we all are, staring down the barrel of a remarkably nasty presidential election, all in a rare moment of agreement. I figured this simply could not be an anomaly. Perhaps this was a groundswell. 

I started asking around and found a number of my liberal friends were having a similar experience. So we asked these folks if they would appear on camera and share with the world why they changed. It seemed to me that the most convincing argument a conservative on the fence could hear might not come from a liberal, or even from Obama himself, but instead, from one of their own; a conservative who had crossed over. So we turned on the camera, and they did the rest.

I fully expected the results to be compelling and convincing. And they are. What I didn't expect was the emotional wallop these unscripted interviews deliver. A combination of deep disillusionment with the last eight years, disappointment in John McCain's candidacy, and an undeniable draw to Obama brought these people to a political decision that was deeply personal and courageous. It became clear to me that these were more than interviews. These were confessions. 

This is what democracy is supposed to be. These people actually listened, considered and were open to the possibility of change. They didn't support a candidate. They actually chose one. And while I'm happy this year they are voting for "my team," they also inspired me to be more open in my own political life. 

I thought we were making an ad campaign about Obama. But I think we ended up making an ad campaign about the essential ingredient that makes democracy work: an open mind. We don't belong to our political parties. Our political parties belong to us. 

Go to to see all of the videos.

Presidential Dance Off

Yeah boy! This video is awesome mostly because i suggested last week during the final debate that if it were a "tie" they should have to sword fight or break dance to determine the winner. Evidently I am not alone in this opinion.

Unbelievable McCain Vs. Obama Dance-Off - Watch more free videos

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I Know It's a Tad Early...

...but I'm feeling Christmasy. And truly, nothing gets me in the Christmas spirit quite like this video.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Potty Training...

These types of videos will never cease to amaze me. I gotta give Alex credit for this one. Please take notice of the real child at the end and how he literally needs something to hold onto while he "goes". Japanese people need to eat more fiber.

Magical Mystery Tour????

I'm posting this horoscope because its unusual, because its kinda true, and because it kinda makes me feel better about life.

October 21, 2008

You may be in a state of high anticipation, for the Sun's supportive sextile to intense Pluto can put your feelings on edge. You have been on a magical mystery tour, but now it's time to settle down and make crucial decisions about your path ahead. but you cannot push the process any faster than it's going, so set your frustrations aside and connect with others while you can.

Friday, October 17, 2008

So Many Things Wrong!

There are so many things wrong with that picture. For the sake of kindness, let's start with the things that are not wrong:
1)Her hair looks nice
2) Her lips are not neon pink

Now then:
1) Why is she so mad???? That frown is un-a-ttractive. 
2) Let's talk about the frown again.....
3) THOSE TA TAS!!!! Seriously, whoever did her boob job should be put down ( as in euthanized. as in killed.). It looks like someone just took two huge rocks and put them under her skin. Here's some free advice Chris Chris- put them AWAY!!!!! Sure, I understand that you just had a baby and you want the world to know that you are still zexy, but every now and again, let your boobies rest. They're tired of being out all the time ( and we're tired of seeing them)

Just sayin!

I'm going to STEAL this baby!

Shout Outs to Alex for the Next Two Videos

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Madonna Is Getting Divorced....

Does this really surprise anyone? 

Things we know:

1) When tabloids report that a couple is getting divorced and they vehemenently deny it (ie they are suddenly everywhere together, going to dinner, holding hands, kissing in public, etc etc), it usually means that they are, in fact, getting a divorce.

2) Madonna's been married at least a few times

3)Madonna's one tough bitch (seriously, do we think anyone could handle her for the rest of their lives? She could kick your ass!!!)

I bet, within a year or two, she starts dating a woman (it's the cool thing to do- just look at Lilo! And with those guns she'd totally fit in at the gay bar- Just sayin!)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

This Is TRULY Ridiculous

For those of you who don't know me, I am probably the most bi partisan person you will ever meet. I hate mud slinging. I hate name calling. I hate asshole politicians who always think they're right. The issue should not be whether you are Democrat or Republican, but whether or not you are going to make the decision that is right for America (speaking in terms of politicians- and no, one particular party does not have your best interests at hearts, but some individuals in each party do).

That being said, I mostly despise it when one candidate trashes another- tell me what YOU are going to do. I also despise it when rich celebrities get on their political high horses and try to act like they know more about politics than the rest of us b/c they are rich and famous ( did most of them even GO to college? What do they know about political science and the way the country runs? For most of them (not all) that answer is probably very little).

That is why the video below bothers me so incredibly much. Not because it's Pro Obama- do NOT misunderstand that- it's because its so fiercely and unnecessarily Anti McCain. THIS is exactly what our country does not need. THIS is fixing nothing ("Voting Republican even once can have disasterous effects that can last for years"- um, seriously?????)

This blog might not make any sense since I'm obvi upset by this, so here is the video. Democrat or Republican, I think this video is just outrageous ( and I would be saying the exact same thing if it were a McCain anti Obama video)

Gossip Girl

I'm writing this post before the next post to make sure this is a completely objective review of this week's Gossip Girl.

Let me start by saying that i LOVE bitchy Serena- mostly because it seems more true. I'm sure Blake Lively is a really sweet girl, but I kind of like to think that she's a bitch. She has every reason to be- she's gorgeous! And so is her boyfriend- and her dog! So, to me, bitchy Serena is believable Serena. I also like it because Blair is no longer queen bee and I also like to see two bitches go head to head. Always a good time.

As far as the boys go, they are really just filler. Their storylines don't really interest me unless they involve some of the drama of the girls (which in this episode, they did not). I could care less about where the go to college, and would almost prefer if it were a made up super elite school ( I know Yale is an elite school, but if I've heard of it, it makes it less elite in my mind. Use a made up school that only uber rich people have heard of!).

I hated, HATED (SPOILER ALERT) that Blair and Serena became friends in the end. Frenemies are WAY better. Keep the drama Gossip Girl. Don't take the straight and narrow. 

Forgetting Sarah Marshall.... probably the funniest movie I've seen in a super long time. I have now watched it two weekends in a row.

Guy loves girl. Girl is an actress. Girl breaks up for guy for rock star. Guy cries. (We see guys penis). Guy goes to Hawaii to forget. Girl and Rock Star are also in Hawaii. Awkwardness ensues. Guy meets islander. Girl gets jealous. Laughter- no,no, make that hilarity ensues.

and then. 

The movie is over. And you loved it.

The Gas Crisis....

Appears to be over- hooray! I filled up my tank for 3.35 yesterday!!! Today, it was down to 3.27. Granted, I understand how sad it is that I am excited to pay 3.35 for gas, but you've got to admit, it's way better than 4. 19. My brother has even seen it for 2.99. Things are looking up my friends.

But who knows how long it will last. It sems like fuels of all kinds are just getting more and more expensive. It's going to cost an arm and leg to heat your house this winter! And that got me thinking......

(imagine a Wayne's World dream sequence of sorts)

......about a world where trash can fuel electricity. Hold on now! Stay with me.

It appears that in addition to a gas shortage, we have a trash surplus. Sure, People seem to be recycling now more than ever, but it's just not enough. The landfills of our past are useless- thigns just aren't decomposing (and REALLY?- Who's idea was that? Hey guys, let's just BURY the trash and surely it will go away right?).

So- imagine- in a perfect world, we are still recycling, but we have developed a clean and efficient way to burn trash and turn it into fuel. Doesn't this essentially kill two birds with one stone???

(ok dream sequence of sorts over. back to reality)

Why has no one else thought of this. Why am I a genius? Why is this probably not going to work?
(Answers to any and all questions encouraged)

Monday, October 13, 2008

This is What We Do At My Office Too

EepyBird's Sticky Note experiment from Eepybird on Vimeo.


Nashville's version of Oktoberfest was this weekend- what a fun time!

Truth be told, I wasn't there for long, but I wish that I could have staid all day ( it was quite hot on Saturday!). I was there long enough to enjoy a rich beer (called Bob's 47 Oktoberfest- it was a dark amber and it was delightful) and a soft pretzel (delicious). What more could a girl ask for?

I encourage you all to check out your local Oktoberfest- have a Brat for me!\

Along those same lines, since I was in the Oktoberfest mood Saturday, I picked up a six pack of HarvestMoon beer (by the makers of Blue Moon). It's not bad! I feel like I've probably had better seasonals, but I certainly won't throw it away. Does anyone have any other fall beer suggestions?

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Oh Sarah....

I like Google because....

....I can ask it questions like "Does tofu make your pee smell funny?" and it won't judge me.

It might not have an adequate answer, but it wont' judge me.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Can You Feel It Too?

Enjoy the Below- Manchester Orchestra "I Can Feel A Hot One". You may recognize it from Gossip Girl, or from your dreams. 

I Can Feel A Hot One - Manchester Orchestra

What Does Your Bar Tab Say About You?

Have you ever seen a receipt laying on a bar top, and thought to yourself “I bet I know what kind of person this belongs to”?  Is it possible to formulate a conclusion based solely on what someone ordered?  We’d like to think so.

6) The Wannabe Musician

The wannabe musician considers himself to be an artist.  He starts off with micro brews or imports to let everyone know that he is a sophisticated individual, who will not conform to trends.  As the night wears on, he begins to wonder why he hasn’t booked a gig in 2 years, and starts to order something with higher alcohol content.  After gulping down his Long Island Iced Tea, he begins to realize that his music sucks.  From here on out he orders shots of Jose until he runs out of cash.  After leaving a $1.32 tip, he heads back to his ride.

5) The Construction Worker

After working 12 hours in the sweltering heat, The Construction Worker hits his favorite bar.  He knows everyone by their first name and usually keeps himself in well mannered.  Around beer #9 he begins to refer to the bartender as “sugar tits” instead of  “Kimmie” (all in good fun).  After completing beer #12, he hops in his F-150, drives home to his wife, and doesn’t swerve once.

4) The Aspiring Actress

The Aspiring Actress enters a popular night club and only orders club soda.  She has $20 to her name and this is the cheapest drink on the menu.  Thankfully, some sap in a suit rolls up on her after club soda #2, and offers to buy her some real drinks.  After telling her that she is talented and beautiful, he pays for the rest of the tab, and takes her back to his place.  Dignity is small price to pay when you just got 5 free cosmos and a compliment.

3) The Broken Hearted Frat Boy

Having just been dumped, the emotional frat boy enters his favorite sports bar.  After telling most of the patrons his sob story, he decides that his pain will go away with shots of Jack.  Sadly this Frat boy didn’t bring enough money to cover his tab, so the bar holds on to his ID and credit card until he can make payment.  An unfortunate ending to the shit storm of a day hes already been through.

2) The Sorority Girl

The Sorority Girl and her sisters know how to game the system.  They are the only ones who leave a bar with more money than they entered with.  The Sorority Girl targets bars that are saturated with sausage, thus allowing her to pull in all sorts of free drinks (just to help even out the 10:1 ratio of dudes per chick).  Once she has depleted all of the resources in one bar, she will move on to the next ‘brodeo’, where she will once again be the center of attention.

1) The Typical Douchebag

The Typical Douchebag enters clubs believing that he is gods gift to women.  Sucking down 1 Jager Bomb per beer, he is determined to do two things.  Get completely hammered, and score some tail.  Sadly this douchebag usually ends up going home alone; heres why.

There are 80 milligrams of caffeine in a Red Bull.  A Jager Bomb has about 1/2 of a Red Bull in it (40 MG).

40 mg Caffeine x 6 =  240 milligrams of caffeine.

With 240 milligrams of caffeine + alcohol pumpng through his veins, the douchebag is more annoying at the end of the night then when it started.

Monday, October 6, 2008

....or Kristin Wigg

I loved this skit for a number of reasons but largely due to the fact that I spent many Saturday nights as a child watching The Lawrence Welk show (not by choice).

I Want To Marry Tina Fey

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Just So We're Clear...


Wow. The Pussycat Dolls were so upset that they came in #5 on the Billbard Charts (um, really? Cause I'm pretty sure you guys should be happy about that) that they DEMANDED  a recount be done.

At the risk of repeating myself-REALLY?????

 Ladies. You are a fairly washed up girl group comprised of lady men and whores- this is NOT  a presidential election. A recount???????


You will NEVER be as good as Kings of Leon. NEVER!

Patriot Games

Drinking Games for the Debates

Perhaps the best of any presidential debate/State of the Union/political speech is the great fun in creating drinking games for the appropriate speakers. In college, ever time George Bush would smirk, everyone would take a drink. Every time he stuttered, another drink. And terrorism mention warranted a shot of whiskey.

So in preparation for the debates tonight, a lot of blogshave begun formulating their pre-fab list to getting shitfaced when Sarah Palin and Joe Biden take the stage.

Comedy Central's Indecision 2008 has perhaps the best rule yet:

Every time Palin speaks in a run-on sentence, get yourself for into the position of being to drink a sip of beer and therefore on the chair on which you sit turn around and face your neighbor but you will not have had enough into which to vomit and that's good because you will be feeling in a way that is comparable to ways in which you have drunk before, at home, where they teach good drinking values.

We have a couple of suggestions ourselves:

• Every time Sarah Palin starts talking like she's in Fargo take a shot.

• Every time Joe Biden nervously gaffes, do a kegstand.

• Every time you lose interest and end up checking your email, do a penance shot…this is important for christsakes!

• Every time you start to feel depressed, pop a Zoloft and change the channel…isn't The Office on tonight anyway?

I Die

I have a confession to make: I am obsessed with reality television. It's not so much that I actually love it and must know what is happening in each and every show, but more like when you're eating your 4th Ding Dong not because you're hungry, but because it's there.


That said, I'm not all about the reality game shows (ie Survivor, Amazing Race), but more about shows that just follow people around; The Hills, That Dumb Kimora Lee Simmons Show, and now The Rachel Zoe Project.

This woman is some THING else. and I probably mean that in the best way possible. She is fabuous to the max with a FIERCE team- and by fierce I mean FIERCE- Taylor is likely to eat you! She has a phenominal make up artist who makes her look gorgeous (not gonna lie, the girl looks ROUGH without her face on). She also has a new assistang named Brad who is the cutest little gay EVER. I literally want to scoop him up and put him in my pocket and take him everywhere with me.

I want one. I do. Where can I get a Brad?

Anyway, one of the things I like the most about the show is the funny things that Rachel says ( Mostly "I Die". Which I have now adopted for my life. It started out as me making fun her. Now I just don't know anymore).

Jossip had a fun "Rachel Zoe glossary" posted today, so I thought I'd share. Enjoy!

"Shut up right now"
Used to suggest disbelief. Zoe uses this with some regularity in Episode 2.

"Witch vibes, witch vibes"
The otherworldly, almost supernatural sensation she feels when a dress is just right.

"Hero dress"
The perfect gown, the one that will save the day.

"Shutting it down"
Performing positively. As in, "Debra [Messing] is totally shutting it down," on the Emmy carpet.

"I feel like somebody punched me in the face and then woke me up"
Describes exhaustion, i.e. how tired Zoe feels after getting her clients dressed for the SAG awards.

"I'm a soldier of rising above it all,"
Describes her ability to overcome what the media says about her.