Monday, April 4, 2011

Wow. I Work with This.

I regret with everything in my being that I have not seen a single episode of the new season of the Celebrity Apprentice. Now, normally, I would have no interest in this show, but with the cast this season you simply cannot lose [#winning!]. Nene Leakes, Lil' John, John Rich, the crazy Jackson sister, the lead singer from Sugar Ray that no one cares about. Really, really quality stuff here.

Last night, my good buddy Mr. Meatloaf had a meltdown of epic proportions. Now, not having seen any of this season at all, I can still bet that Gary Busey most likely deserved every bit of anger that was directed at him. I just find it hilarious that Meat has Lil Jon and Mark McGrath holding him back in one scene, while John Rich, country musics resident badass and bully, looks at him with disgust. You know you're in trouble if John Rich is telling you you're out of control. This scene is like the best skit that Saturday Night Live never made. I will watch it over and over and over again.

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