Monday, April 11, 2011

That's What I Love About Sundays

I love, love, love, love, LOVE Sundays. As a preachers kid, I grew up going to church on Sundays and while I still very much enjoy a little Sunday morning pew time, I don't make it quite as often as I would like to [sleeping until 12:30 often means missing every service available]. Luckily for me, we have a lot of "nature sanctuaries" here in Nashville and I am able to have my own kind of church service while listening to amazing music and admiring all of God's wonderful creations.

Yesterday, my dear musical friend Brooke Fraser accompanied me to "church", and I just had to share a couple of her songs. I have pretty much listened to her album Albertine constantly since I purchased it a few years ago. It has made me wish for love, long for Africa, and desire to dig for something deeper in my life. "Love Is Waiting" ebbs and flows in and out of my life, sometimes meaning much more to me than other times. It struck a lovely chord with me yesterday, and I wanted to share it. I've also tossed in "C.S. Lewis Song" for good measure because, as the song states, "For we are not long here, our time is but a breath, so we better breathe it". Powerful, powerful words.

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