Monday, April 18, 2011

Just When You Didn't Think It Could Happen....

Denim, on Denim, on Denim, on Denim, on Denim, on mutha fuckin Denim is now an option!

So grab your denim hat, your denim shirt, your denim vest, your denim shoes and your best pair of JEANS and get ready for piece numerp seis- your denim boxers. That's right fellas, following in the widely popular trend of PAJAMA JEANS, you can now get classy with your draws in your JUNDERPANTS!!!!


Junderpants completely surpass "Jorts" on the sexy-o-meter and I for one hope to see many a fellow unabashedly rocking these jundies solo [perhaps with a pair of Chuck Taylors]. Sorry for the short post, but I need to rush out and buy some stock in Goldbond. I have a feeling if this trend takes off, I could potentially make millions in the non-chaffing powder market.

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