Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Sure Seems Cheaper Than A Babysitter

I am known to some as, well, The Baby Whisperer. I can't help it, I just got skills. Frankly, I dont even know what I do to make babies like me. When I worked in the YMCA nursery, we had a 6 week old baby that had the worst colic ever. Im pretty sure his mom never actually worked out, she just wanted to drop that screaming baby on someone else for a few hours. As soon as they would come in, the other nursery workers would say "Give him to LeeAnn" and I kid you not, this baby would stop crying. Poof! Colic who? [I have probably just cursed myself to having untameable colicy babies. Yeesh.]

Anyway, point being, the title of Baby Whisperer was too hastily given to me, because this DOG is the real baby whisperer. I'm never paying a sitter to watch my kids- they're expensive! I'm
getting a couple of Alaskan huskies and letting them raise my babies Mowgli style.

EMBED-Dog Sings To Soothe Crying Baby - Watch more free videos

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