Friday, April 30, 2010

It Might Be Time To Hang Up the Peroxide

Does anyone else remember when Christina Aguilera could [and would] actually sing? I'm talking "Lady Marmalade", "It's A Man's Word", "A Song For You", "Beautiful", heck even "Dirty" sing. This girl can SANG. So, my next question is, why isn't she? What is this dribble drabble bullshit that she keeps putting out? The girl can rock a pop song too and certainly gave Ms. Spears a run for her Queen of Popdom money with her dancing, singing and songwriting abilities. I didn't buy Christina's last album, but I liked what I heard of it and appreciated that she was trying to grow as an artist and do some different things. But we have this.

Christina, I would agree, you are most certainly NOT yourself. I see Madonna. I see Lady Gaga. I even see Gwen Stefani. But there is no sign of you in sight. First of all, if we're being honest, the song just isn't that great to begin with. Christina can put her vocal runs and her "oheoheoheoheoooos" in there as much as she wants, but it's just like trying to cover up a #2 with air freshener- the original stinch is still there.

I'm not even a fan of Lady Gaga, but I can't deny that she is incredibly original in what she does and Christina can't deny that she pretty much ripped her off in this video. See Exhibit A.


Here's my plea. Christina, grow as an artist. Do different things. Try different types of music. But be yourself. Be original. You don't need to rip anybody off to be successful. You got where you are today by being yourself. Oh, and one more thing: sing- always sing! I cannot think of one female in the industry right now who can match your vocal abilities [not even my beloved Mariah Carey]. Your voice is your key to standing out from the pack. I suggest you use it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes! Agree with it all. There is a song called "Lift Me Up" though on this album in which she is singing better than she ever has, IMO. It's a Linda Perry ballad. I still have hope but this video is a wreck.
