Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Answer to.......Questions?

Do you guys ever check out Yahoo Answers? Sometimes you Google a silly question like "How do I get rid of the streaks from a fake tan I did myself?" and you run across all these other Q & A's that people have posted. It's pretty obvious that it's mostly a lot of 13 year olds who are too afraid to ask their parents questions so, instead, they hit the internet. Genius! Here are a few of my favorite Questions that I stumbled upon tonight.

Why do they call 911 when you pass out in class?

Why do MOST Black people go to White doctors, but MOST white people go to white doctors?


How can I convince my mom that it's OK to wear a thong or get one without her knowing?

Doesn't everyone just want to be loved?

And, my favorite question of the night, which shockingly has no answer....

Does he like me or is he just really friendly? HELP! IM CONFUSED!?

I knew Kyle when I was little. He liked me, until his family moved to Brazil (we were 13)
In ‘08, he moved back to attend college here. I ran into him several times. He remembered who i was, and I got him to blush. .I hadn't seen Kyle since Oct when I added him on Facebook in march. He accepted, and sent me a PM askin how I was. I saw him on chat: I reminded him of the nickname he used to call me. His response: "You were. And probably still are."
I saw Kyle's brother at a Bible study I started going to 2 wks ago. Kyle has a dislocated shoulder. Next day kyle was online, and I struck up a convo. He mentioned his bro saw me, and Kyle and I CHATTED for 2 HRS. His parting comment: "wow. I've never chatted with someone like you. Not sure what I mean by that, but anyways gotta go."
Last Monday on chat, I said hi. he asked if I was going to the Bible study (THE ONE HE NEVER GOES TO), I said yes. Sure enough, Monday night I saw Kyle. We were the last ones to leave, but we didnt really talk. With his arm in a sling, I regretted not giving him a ride. So I wrote him a PM saying sorry and cant believe how he's grown up, etc. and, "You're really...I mean you turned out..Oh never mind. Anyways”<-THATS ALL I WROTE ELUDING TO MAYBE LIKING HIM. HE NEVER REPLIED. Thurs, he was on chat, I sent him a msg and he logged OFF SECONDS LATER. MONDAY AT THE STUDY..THERE WAS KYLE. I offered him a ride home afterwards. He got in my car immediately cracked a joke about it being a girls car “cuz the floor was clean“, I playfully smacked his leg. The whole 5 minute ride, he didn’t shut up (just about classes) and his bro didn’t talk. Then they took their time in getting out of the car. Last night after midnight, he commented on my status (i updated on being up doing homework cuz of procrastinating) his response "really??? me too!" He doesnt typically comment on ppls status, and when he does it's like his brother or his guys--I looked on his PROFILE: HE HAS NEVER, IN HIS HISTORY OF USING FACEBOOK, EVER COMMENTED ON A GIRL'S STATUS. DOES IT SO
UND LIKE HE'S INTERESTED? OR NOT? We're both almost 19. And Im almost certain he has no girl experience.

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