Friday, April 30, 2010

It Might Be Time To Hang Up the Peroxide

Does anyone else remember when Christina Aguilera could [and would] actually sing? I'm talking "Lady Marmalade", "It's A Man's Word", "A Song For You", "Beautiful", heck even "Dirty" sing. This girl can SANG. So, my next question is, why isn't she? What is this dribble drabble bullshit that she keeps putting out? The girl can rock a pop song too and certainly gave Ms. Spears a run for her Queen of Popdom money with her dancing, singing and songwriting abilities. I didn't buy Christina's last album, but I liked what I heard of it and appreciated that she was trying to grow as an artist and do some different things. But we have this.

Christina, I would agree, you are most certainly NOT yourself. I see Madonna. I see Lady Gaga. I even see Gwen Stefani. But there is no sign of you in sight. First of all, if we're being honest, the song just isn't that great to begin with. Christina can put her vocal runs and her "oheoheoheoheoooos" in there as much as she wants, but it's just like trying to cover up a #2 with air freshener- the original stinch is still there.

I'm not even a fan of Lady Gaga, but I can't deny that she is incredibly original in what she does and Christina can't deny that she pretty much ripped her off in this video. See Exhibit A.


Here's my plea. Christina, grow as an artist. Do different things. Try different types of music. But be yourself. Be original. You don't need to rip anybody off to be successful. You got where you are today by being yourself. Oh, and one more thing: sing- always sing! I cannot think of one female in the industry right now who can match your vocal abilities [not even my beloved Mariah Carey]. Your voice is your key to standing out from the pack. I suggest you use it.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Adventures in FanMail

Dear ___

I am a gigantic fan! I find you absolutely sexy and cool and your styling is real hammer. ___ is my absolute favorite song, because it is the most great song ever. I would be glad gigantically about a hand signed autograph.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Trashy TV: Monday- Friday

It has been a HOT minute since I have done a Trashy TV recap. Tuesday Television was far too good this week for me to ignore it. Let's dive right in.

First up: LOST
If you don't watch LOST or haven't seen the episode, you may want to skip ahead. However, I barely understood what the frack was going on, so this little post probably won't ruin anything for you. So there's Desmond. Desmond is all calm on the island and is all like "Aloha, lets do the luau cause I'm so chill" and SmokeMonster is like, "Dude why aren't you scared of me? EVERYONE is scared of me. It kind of hurts my feelings," and then he begins to cry. Then Desmond is all like, "Pehea'oe? Maika'i no au" and Flocke is like "What the what?? Into the well you go!"

Meanwhile, in the sideways time shift, or whatever we're calling it now, Hurley meets Libby [she's alive!] who remembers him and the island, but Hurley just thinks its cause she's in a mental hospital and she's cray cray. Desmond swoops in over Hurley bucket of chicken and is like "Yo, she's legit!" so Hurley goes to the mental hospital and asks her out on a date. Then they kiss and HURLEY REMEMBERS THE ISLAND TOO!!!! Then Desmond runs a wheelchair bound Locke over with a car.

I am LOST [no pun intended]. I'll start thinking about what all of this could mean and I'll get this close to something that makes sense, and then my brain shuts down. It's like a really intense calculus problem [i fricking HATE calculus]. So, I'm going to stop thinking about it and just watch. It's the only solution that makes sense to me.

Now, onto GLEE.

Glee is the most brilliant show on television. If you don't agree then you should stop reading my blog because I don't like you anymore. Ok, wait, WAIT, I only have like 10 readers, so stick around. We'll agree to disagree.

So Will and Emma are kind of together. Then Emma reveals she's a virgin- TWIST! No, but seriously- Will, have you ever MET her? Of COURSE she's a virgin. It makes perfect sense. So Will almost gets his jollies with the director of Vocal Adrenaline, who looks suspiciously similar to Rachel Berry [anyone else think this casting director has a "type"?].

Rachel and Finn are dating, but then Rachel is crazy so Finn breaks up with her. I don't mean to be repetitive, but have you MET Rachel? Of COURSE she's crazy. So Rachel meets the star of Vocal Adrenaline and immediately falls in love with him. Of course he doesn't actually like her, he's GAY, but he neeeeeds her sseeeeeecrets. mwah hahahahah!

I wasn't head over heels over the song selections for the entire show but I have literally listened to their version of "Hello" by Lionel Richie no less than 30 times in the past 24 hours. I wish that was an exaggeration. It isn't. Here's hoping you enjoy it as much as me.


I somewhat have an obsession with Matt Pond PA. Matt's voice is like a warm blanket covering you while camping, or butter melting on pancakes. I'm getting carried away, but he sooooothes me. They have a new album out. You should check it.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Answer to.......Questions?

Do you guys ever check out Yahoo Answers? Sometimes you Google a silly question like "How do I get rid of the streaks from a fake tan I did myself?" and you run across all these other Q & A's that people have posted. It's pretty obvious that it's mostly a lot of 13 year olds who are too afraid to ask their parents questions so, instead, they hit the internet. Genius! Here are a few of my favorite Questions that I stumbled upon tonight.

Why do they call 911 when you pass out in class?

Why do MOST Black people go to White doctors, but MOST white people go to white doctors?


How can I convince my mom that it's OK to wear a thong or get one without her knowing?

Doesn't everyone just want to be loved?

And, my favorite question of the night, which shockingly has no answer....

Does he like me or is he just really friendly? HELP! IM CONFUSED!?

I knew Kyle when I was little. He liked me, until his family moved to Brazil (we were 13)
In ‘08, he moved back to attend college here. I ran into him several times. He remembered who i was, and I got him to blush. .I hadn't seen Kyle since Oct when I added him on Facebook in march. He accepted, and sent me a PM askin how I was. I saw him on chat: I reminded him of the nickname he used to call me. His response: "You were. And probably still are."
I saw Kyle's brother at a Bible study I started going to 2 wks ago. Kyle has a dislocated shoulder. Next day kyle was online, and I struck up a convo. He mentioned his bro saw me, and Kyle and I CHATTED for 2 HRS. His parting comment: "wow. I've never chatted with someone like you. Not sure what I mean by that, but anyways gotta go."
Last Monday on chat, I said hi. he asked if I was going to the Bible study (THE ONE HE NEVER GOES TO), I said yes. Sure enough, Monday night I saw Kyle. We were the last ones to leave, but we didnt really talk. With his arm in a sling, I regretted not giving him a ride. So I wrote him a PM saying sorry and cant believe how he's grown up, etc. and, "You're really...I mean you turned out..Oh never mind. Anyways”<-THATS ALL I WROTE ELUDING TO MAYBE LIKING HIM. HE NEVER REPLIED. Thurs, he was on chat, I sent him a msg and he logged OFF SECONDS LATER. MONDAY AT THE STUDY..THERE WAS KYLE. I offered him a ride home afterwards. He got in my car immediately cracked a joke about it being a girls car “cuz the floor was clean“, I playfully smacked his leg. The whole 5 minute ride, he didn’t shut up (just about classes) and his bro didn’t talk. Then they took their time in getting out of the car. Last night after midnight, he commented on my status (i updated on being up doing homework cuz of procrastinating) his response "really??? me too!" He doesnt typically comment on ppls status, and when he does it's like his brother or his guys--I looked on his PROFILE: HE HAS NEVER, IN HIS HISTORY OF USING FACEBOOK, EVER COMMENTED ON A GIRL'S STATUS. DOES IT SO
UND LIKE HE'S INTERESTED? OR NOT? We're both almost 19. And Im almost certain he has no girl experience.

The Virgin Suicides

My LOST boyfriend, Matthew Fox, recently did an interview with Playboy Magazine where he dished a little about the series finale of the show, his alleged infidelity against his wife, and losing his virginity. Why these celebrities [male in particular] continue to talk to the media about their "first time" completely baffles me, especially when it happened at an inappropriate age- like 12. That's right kids, Matthew Fox lost his virginity at twelve years old! He said:

“I was 12. She was about two years older than me. It wasn’t her first time. I can actually see the event in my mind’s eye, like photographs. It was in Dubois, Wyoming, where the population sign probably says, to this day, about 1,000. It happened literally on the ground by a river while a rodeo was going on in town. It was absolutely terrible and awkward-just two f—ing kids lying down and pulling our pants down.”

What the what?? 12 years old? That's like the SIXTH GRADE. Have boys even really gone through puberty by then?? Maybe I'm being uber naive here, but this shit sounds crazy. Let's also address that the girl was only 14, 8th grade. Am I the only girl that wasn't even remotely thinking about sex at 14? I mean, sheesh. Kids these days!

Not Mad....

I'm not mad at this album AT ALL. Its kind of like The Killers meet a little Miike Snow or something. Good stuff. Check it out.

Flippin Tha Script

Ok, so I'm a pinch behind on life this week and totally missed Music Monday. I've got some jams I want to share though, so I'm thinking we'll give Music Wednesday a shot juuuuuuust this once.

Check out the new single from B.o.B featuring Hayley Williams from Paramore [my gurl!].

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Sure Seems Cheaper Than A Babysitter

I am known to some as, well, The Baby Whisperer. I can't help it, I just got skills. Frankly, I dont even know what I do to make babies like me. When I worked in the YMCA nursery, we had a 6 week old baby that had the worst colic ever. Im pretty sure his mom never actually worked out, she just wanted to drop that screaming baby on someone else for a few hours. As soon as they would come in, the other nursery workers would say "Give him to LeeAnn" and I kid you not, this baby would stop crying. Poof! Colic who? [I have probably just cursed myself to having untameable colicy babies. Yeesh.]

Anyway, point being, the title of Baby Whisperer was too hastily given to me, because this DOG is the real baby whisperer. I'm never paying a sitter to watch my kids- they're expensive! I'm
getting a couple of Alaskan huskies and letting them raise my babies Mowgli style.

EMBED-Dog Sings To Soothe Crying Baby - Watch more free videos


dr. dog is keeping me company on this busy Tuesday morning. i hope they are as good a friend to you as they are to me.

Adventures in FanMail


My name is Gregory -------. I am from Poland. I am Your fan. You are the best, I very like Your performance and I am fascinate Your person!

Please, do You send me some your photos and autographs. I should immensely thankful, I am very anxious at that. If You to agree, I very wish to correspond with You, I should immensely happy if You answer me.

With greetings and Best Wishes!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Apathetic Music Monday


My iTunes is doing a great job with Music Monday. I, for one, am thoroughly enjoying it.

Delicious Music Monday


Nicely done, iTunes.

iTunes Shuffle Music Monday


Hope you kids had a very Happy Easter- come eat my leftover coconut cake!

Let's kick off Music Monday with an artist who needs to put out a new album STAT. I neeeeeeed it. This song is my jam and perfect for a beautiful spring day. Stay tuned for more jamzzzz.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Adventures in Food

Last night I had the most interesting slice of sausage pizza that I have ever tasted. It wasn't your granny's sausage pizza, no siree Bob. This slice was ORIGINAL. The menu describes the pie as "Meatball, Italian Sausage, and our Cheese Blend" but I'll tell you what was really on this pizza- Jimmy Deans Sausage.

You may think that sounds crazy [ it does] or that I'm crazy [ I might be], but I have never tasted "italian sausage" that tasted like this. It was literally huge slices of sausage on my pizza and I felt like I should've been putting hot sauce on on my eggs and drinking a glass of OJ with it. The point is- it was DELICIOUS. You should try it.

If you're in Nashville or Birmingham, you are in LUCK [does anyone in Birmingham read my blog? I dont think so....]. Head to your local Mafioza's and order The Fall Guy. You might be confused, but you won't be sorry.