Friday, January 22, 2010

Ok, Hold On....

So. Haiti's in trouble. We all know that. Haiti needs money. We all know that. Like I've said before, even $10 can help! Imagine what ONE MILLION dollars could do! A lot! Most of us don't have a million dollars to just toss around, but you know who does? CELEBRITIES. Oh the celebrated celebrity. The truth is, many of them ARE giving money and giving pretty generously and being highly praised for it. To that I say, "Hold on there just a minute".

I don't think any of us could ever fathom the amount of money these people make. $20 million dollars per picture is just STUPID. That is a stupid amount of money, especially when you consider that, often, they are doing 2 and sometimes 3 movies a year- and that doesn't even include any money they might receive in recipricals!

Let's break this down.

Brad and Angelina donated $1 million dollars. Now, that was a joint donation. That's like going to a wine party where each person is supposed to bring a bottle and saying "oh we're a couple, we only brought one". Um, yeah, that isn't how this works.
According to my [nominal] research, Brad makes approximately 20-25 million per picture and Angelina pulls in about 15-20. According to IMDB, Pitt does around 2 movies a year, so we'll say his 2009 income was [on the LOW side] around $40 million. Angelina had 3 movies in the 2008-2009 range, so we'll say her income was around $45 million. So that's a combine income [on the LOW side] of about $85 million. And you could only spare one million TOTAL? Sheesh, at least bump it up to $5mil a piece.

Leonardo DiCaprio has also been praised for his one million dollar donation. It seems as though Leo also makes about $20mil per film and had two pictures out in the 2008-2009 era. Dude, seriously? I know you have to spend a lot of money to travel to St. Barts to vacation and all, but you couldn't at least give 2 million? Not even one and a half? Ridiculous.

I'm not saying it isn't awesome that these celebs are giving such an enormous amount of money, but does anyone else think that they should be giving MORE? If you're gonna do something to help, then REALLY do something.

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