Monday, January 18, 2010

Help Somebody If You Can

Guys, there is soo much going on in our world right now. So much pain and suffering and at the same time so much hope. WE have the ability to be that hope right now. I know that most of the people that read my blog are around my age, either recent college graduates or possibly are still in college, and we don't exactly have tons of extra money lying around right now. $10 guys. $10 is all it takes. Skip a couple of lates, that late night pizza, or a really delicious cocktail and do something important with your $10.

There are two things that I'd love you to consider giving your money to. A dear friend of mine, Brandon Palma, toured the US last year with Invisible Children trying to raise awareness and dollars for the children of Uganda who have never known a life without war.

[With the support we receive from our tours and young supporters, we are able to implement cutting edge programs on the ground in Uganda. To prioritize and understand the needs of the community, our Uganda staff is 95% Ugandan. We focus on long-term development, working directly with individuals and institutions, to best understand the needs of these war-effected areas. We rebuild schools devastated by war, benefiting over 8,400 Ugandan youth in the areas of water and sanitation, books and equipment, refurbishment of structures, teacher support, and technology and power. We provide 690 scholarships to specifically chosen secondary students and 180 full ride scholarships to University. We employ mentors that holistically oversee healthy development for our students. We have also implemented micro-economic initiatives that are impacting 360 Ugandan’s in transition from internally displaced camps to their original homes as well as 13 formerly abducted child mothers who are now self-sufficient through our tailoring center that provides training in savings, investment, numeracy, literacy and health. These savings-and-loans initiatives have allowed villagers to save money and earn interest for the first time, freeing them to start their own businesses and provide for their families like never before.]
Brandon has been given the chance to actually go TO Africa with Invisible Children to see first hand what the organization has been able to do to help and what kind of additional help they need to campaign for. As you can imagine, this type of trip costs lots and lots of money- $2000 to be exact. Now, Brandon is one of the best Starbucks baristas in the Metro Nashville area, but slinging coffee beans doesn't usually leave one with a lot of cash lying around. The last I heard, Brandon was still lacking about $1000. $10 guys. It will only take 100 people to get Brandon to his goal. Please retweet this need, post it on Facebook, email it to your friends. Brandon is doing his part to make a difference in the world- will you do yours?

I've included a personal letter from Brandon as well as a link to his PayPal site. If Brandon is unable to reach the need of $2k, every dollar that is donated to his PayPal will be given as a donation to Invisible Children. It's a win/win situation for everyone.

Hello Friends and Family,

I got an email this morning that I did not see coming. As most of you know, I spent seven months of 2009 working with Invisible Children to help end the war in Eastern Africa, and more specifically, Northern Uganda. This morning, I got an email from Invisible Children, asking me to be on a team who is actually going to Uganda in February to see what the work we did here has done on the ground there.

Now, when i got the email, I laughed because the cost is $2000 and it is due by Friday. Yeah. I don't have anywhere close to that, but I thought I would just give it a shot. If God wants me to go, He would have to provide every cent of the funding, and honestly, I am at peace about whatever happens.

So, if you can afford to, I am asking for donations. If every person I sent this to would donate $10, I would have enough and would be on my way in February. If I don't get all $2000, then I will be sending everything I get as a donation to Invisible Children, so your money will not be wasted. If you cannot afford it, please don't stress. I wouldn't be able to afford a donation if someone sent this to me, so I totally understand.

I have attached a link to a paypal account, so if you have a credit or debit card, you can donate online. Again, I have to have it all by Friday, so we'll see what happens. I know that this is kind of a ridiculous message, but what can you do? Thanks in advance for any donations, thoughts, pr prayers you can send my way. You all are consistently the best parts of my life.

Much Love,

Please click here to link to Brandon's PayPal and here to learn more about Invisible Children. If you believe in what Invisible Children is doing, please spread this around.

Now, our other issue is obvious- the people of Haiti need our help. Its as simple as that. If a disaster of those proportions had happened here in the states, we would want and expect our friends of the world to send aid. We HAVE to do the same. Again, $10 is really all it takes and it can make an incredible difference. If you are able, please donate to the American Red Cross International Relief Fund, UNICEF, or The Clinton Bush Haiti Fund. All of these organizations are working around the clock to get help to Haiti NOW, when they need it most. Note: At this point in time, I would not recommend donating to the Yele Fund. If you are wondering why, just google it and I think you'll find the answer.

So guys, please, please, give what you can. We need to take care of each other.

Your Friend Lela

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