Thursday, January 7, 2010

But I VOTED For You!!!!

I'm not really sure what's going on with our President these days. He doesn't really seem to understand the importance of Pop Culture in our society.

On Tuesday, my girl Ke$ha was on Ellen. Obama decided to do some bunk security update [who cares about terrorists??] RIGHT BEFORE Ke$ha performed, leaving us to only see the last half of her performance. RUDE. At first I thought that our President was trying to hold Ke$ha down. You know, a young white girl doing music that could be considered hip hop who has a black girl name and dominated Lady Gaga on the charts [you KNOW Obama's a Gaga fan]. Why wouldn't he be mad at her?

Well now, as it turns out, Barack isn't trying to hold Ke$ha down, he's just attacking ME personally! First the Ke$ha thing, and NOW the State of the Union address could potentially be on February 2nd, the same night as the Season premiere of LOST. Oh HELL TO THA NO BARACK!

You can't do this to me! Frankly, It's just MEAN. I happen to consider myself, politically, an Independent, but I swear on all things holy that if you do this I will pledge my allegiance to the Republican party. Two can play at this game, Barack. Two can play.

Here's some more info, courtesy of Gawker.

Currently, the White House is considering either Jan. 26th or Feb. 2nd for Obama's firstState of the UnionAddress. Do you know anything else that is on Feb. 2nd? Yep: The 'Lost' premier. Obama is definitely a communist.

'Lost' fans nationwide are hyperventilating over the news that the premier of the last season of a television show they like might be pushed back a whole week just so that the president can address our nation. They've even started a Twitter hashtag:#NoStateofUnionFeb2. Maybe 'Lost' producers could just work Obama's State of the Union address into the plot? [TheWrap]

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