Monday, November 9, 2009

Mute Math Music Monday

It has been quite the fabulous month of music [and it's only getting better from here!]. Last night I hit up the Mute Math show at War Memorial Auditorium and let me just tell you: it. was. GOOD. If you ever have a chance to see these guys in concert, GO. Even if you don't necessarily like their recorded music, you will absolutely be entertained at the show. Their set was just shy of two hours and it was stupid good.

I saw them a couple of years ago when they were in Nashville last and while that show was also really good, the lead singer Paul was actually quite sick. It didn't ruin the show by any means but you could just kind of tell how incredibly awesome it would be if he was completely well. Well, last night we all saw what a MuteMath show is like when everyone is well. DAYUM. It was good. Darren King, the drummer, is just stupid good at what he does. One of my favorite parts of the show was when Darren was wailing on a bass drum, then places it on the hands of the crowd, climbs on top of it, the does a backwards dive into the hands of the crowd. It looks a little something like this

Go see their show. In the meantime, have a little listen below!


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