Tuesday, November 3, 2009

For My Coffee Lovers.....

I'm about to blow your mind. I'm sure you've all heard and seen the commercials for the new instant Starbucks coffee, Via.
I, for one, was quite the skeptic when I heard about it, especially when Starbucks was touting that consumers wouldn't be able to tell the difference between Starbucks brewed and the instant. Um, does that seem like a good idea? You're essentially telling me that for about $3 I could get not one, not two, but THREE cups of coffee thats just as good as a cup of joe, but I save having to actual go to a Starbucks, wait in line, and pay $2.50 for a regular coffee? Hmmmmmmm.

Well, ladies and germs, I'm here to tell you- this instant coffee is GOOD. I'm currently house sitting at a place where I dont really know how to use the fancy coffee machine so I thought to myself "Self. Lets get some of that instant Starbucks and see how it is." So for about $2.95, I purchased 1 package that contains 3 individual packets of coffee. I picked up the Colombian blend [because that's all my local Target carried]. This morning I decided to give it a go when I got to the office and I was quite delighted at the results [and I'm pretty sure I even made it wrong!]. I just heated up some water, hot tea style, dumped the grounds in, put in a little FF Half & Half and a packet of Splenda and voila! Instant coffee! I really was surprised at how good it was.

Now, I wont say that it tastes exactly like a cup of brew from an actual Starbucks, but I dont think that's necessarily a bad thing- sometimes those baristas burn the brew! I guesstimate that you save about $4.50 over three cups of coffee by doing instant instead of "actual"- which, depending on how much coffee you drink from Starbucks in a week, could save YOU a pretty penny! So check it out- try a different flavor even!- and tell me what you think!

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