Monday, November 9, 2009

Do As I Say, Not As I Do...

Dear Friends,

I have good news. The new John Mayer album "Battle Studies" has leaked. Now, now, here's the thing- I DO NOT condone illegal downloading. However, I do, on occasion, participate in "Album Previewing" [thats what I call it to make myself feel better], but I ONLY do it when I am committed to actually purchasing the album when it is released.

That being said, I'm pretty pumped about this leak. I'm going to do a FULL album recap for you and maaaaybe share a bit of the music. we go!!

1. Heartbreak Warfare
Definitely digging this song. Mayer put a really cool video of this up on his site a couple of weeks ago, so I've been jamming to these for a few days. I'd say this song is a little more in the "Continuum" vein, and I really, really like it. In my mind, this song is definitely about Jennifer Aniston, and it makes me very sad that she broke my Mayer's heart. One of the lines that I find particularly interesting is, "Good to know its all a game"- seriously?? That is distressing. You are 31 and she is 40 and there are STILL games being played? I guess I just always assumed that at a certain age the "game playing" ends. It's very upsetting to me that that isn't the case. Regardless, this song is my jam. Grade: A.

2. All We Ever Do Is Say Goodbye
Definitely loving this song. It's old school Mayer style meets new school Mayer production. Vocally, this song is really, really......something? Soothing maybe. Smooth. His voice is superb here. I'll take it. Grade: A+

3. Half of My Heart
Oh, the very much dreaded song featuring Taylor Swift [stay tuned for a recap of her SNL performance]. Dang it, this song is GOOD. Ugh. Taylor doesn't have a huge roll, she mostly sings the harmony BGVs in the chorus and at the end of the song gets one little solo "ooooooooh". This song is definitely in the "Room for Squares/ Heavier Things" vein. I know a lot of people that didn't like "Heavier Things" but I am not one of them. Another really good song. Well done, Mayer. Grade: A++.

4. Who Says
Ahhh, the lead single. I'm sure you're all pretty familiar with "Who Says" by now. I gotta say, this isn't my favorite single Mayer's ever released or my favorite song on the album. It's kind of simple for him. He's a great songwriter and has a skill for intricate lyrics, but this song is pretty basic. It's grown on me a lot since it was first released, but feel free to skip it if you'd like. Grade: B-

5. Perfectly Lonely
Another "Heavier Things" style of song. This song displays Mayer's unique writing skills that I was talking about. THIS is more like it Mayer. Grade: A
6. Assassin
Oh Mayer- way to perpetuate the "douchebag" stereotype that the bloggers so love to give you. In "Assassin", our buddy John sings about making the girls fall for him, and leaving before the sun comes up. Oh, but wait- take another listen guys-[SPOILER ALERT] SHE was an assassin too. This song is clever- very clever. "I'm an assassin and I had a job to do, little did I know that girl was an assassin too". This song has a cool xylophone vibe to it. It's more in the "Continuum" vein than anything, but I think I'll call it "progressive". New Mayer. Done. Grade: A.

7. Crossroads
Jonny Lang- is that you? This song is very, very bluesy- think a "live" Mayer show. It's also got a hint of something else.....Americana maybe? This song is kind of fun and different, but isn't my favorite. Grade: B+

8. War of My Life
The opening lick makes me think "Ryan Adams". Something tells me that hard core Adams fans will stone me for that, but lets call a spade a spade. Vocally its nothing like RA, but just listen to the music and slow it down a few beats and I think you'll hear what I mean. This is another "Room for Squares" style song. Am I crazy that I, again, hear a bit of a country/Americana influence in this song? At first listen, this song doesn't just GRAB me- I don't dislike it, but I'm not automatically wanting to listen to it again. I think that with a few more listens it really will grow on me. Grade: B

9. Edge of Desire
Ok, initially, LOVING this song. On "Continuum", one of my favorite songs was "I Don't Trust Myself With Loving You" largely in part to the really interesting guitar riff at the beginning. This song isn't similar to "IDTMWLY", but it has a really cool lick. Liking this one a lot. Grade: A.

10. Do You Know Me
Interesting. This one, musically, almost sounds like a Joni Mitchell song. Again, I don't dislike this one by any means, I actually do quite like it, but I'm not sure that it will be a favorite of mine. Grade: B.

11. Friends, Lovers or Nothing
This is the old school style Mayer that I know and love. "There'll never be an in between, so give it up". BURN. Loving this one. "Anything other than a yes is no". Grade: A

OVERALL GRADE: A! [ I think. I wasn't a math major. Sue me.]

The long and short of it is, if you're a Mayer fan then this new album WILL NOT disappoint. Please, please, please be sure to purchase when the cd is released next Tuesday, the 17th.

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