Monday, November 16, 2009

Are You A Shopaholic?

When I first saw the article "Seven Signs You're a Shopaholic", I thought to myself "Uh-oh". But, as it turns out, I think I'm healthier than I thought when it comes to shopping. If you are worried about someone you love being a shopping addict, check out the 7 points below. If you answer yes to 5 or may be time to call TLC and get your loved one on an episode of Intervention.

1. You buy things even though you can't afford them.
Ok, this isn't totally fair. EVERYONE buys things they can't afford. I can't really afford to eat off the Dollar Menu at McDonalds, but from time to time I do it anyway. I refuse to believe that this makes me a Shopaholic.

2. You believe others would be horrified if they found out about your spending habits.
I believe that my MOTHER would be horrified if she found out about my spending habits. If I spend more than $20 on a pair of shoes, she nearly flips her lid. Um, dear mother- this isn't the Great Depression anymore. Shoes no longer cost ten cents.

3. You write checks even though you know there's not enough in the bank to cover them.
Ok, I can say with all honesty that i DO NOT do this- mostly because its 2009 and no one writes checks anymore.

4. If you have any money left at the end of a pay period, you feel compelled to spend it.
I definitely don't do this because there is no such thing as "leftover money" in my life. Next question!

5. You make only the minimum payments on your credit-card statements (if you make any at all).
Ok, I definitely make all my credit card payments, but I tend to be guilty of only paying the minimum payment. Hmmmmmm. Maybe I should re-evaluate my "non illness".

6. You feel anxious or nervous on days you don't go shopping.
Definitely untrue! However, I "fake shop" online nearly everyday. Does that count as shopping??

7. You buy things to make yourself feel better.

1 comment:

Melinda said...

I answered yes to all. HELP!!!