Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Does it annoy anyone else when old people use facebook? I mean, isn't that what myspace was invented for?? I get opening facebook up to highschools, and keeping it available to young adults who had it when it was first invented, but our PARENTS? ew.

I suppose I've always known this about myself, but I discovered that I felt strongly about it when Spring but out a new commercial with their old man CEO talking about how cell phones rule the world now and we can even check our Facebook on them! Um, excuse me? 

I can check my facebook on them. You can maybe check your stock options or the weather. Or LinkedIn. I'll give you LinkedIn.

So old people. Stop trolling for young people on Facebook. Don't poke your kids friends. Stop sending me application requests (that goes for all of you). Facebook is a classy establishment. Let's keep it that way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm about to show my Mom how to get one when I get home...hehehehe I'm one of those Lela!