Thursday, November 6, 2008

Stop It

I gotta say, Barack Obama's acceptance speech the other night was really great. And I found it to be especially moving when nearly the entire crowd in Grant Park began chanting "Yes We Can!". This chant could possibly have been one of the most effective parts of Obamas campaign.


The campaign is over now. Know what that means? It's time to take down your yard signs, and stop the chant! Appropriate at an Obama rally? Yes. Appropriate at the Daily Show? Nooooooo. 

I was watching the Daily Show last night and he was doing a few little funny bits on Obama and suddenly the members of his audience start chanting "Yes We Can! Yes We Can!". Yes we can what? Yes you diiiiiiid. In that circumstance, the chant was possibly the most annoying thing of all time. 

My suggestions:
* Let's work on a new chant. Let's give this one a try "B-A-R--A-C-K! Barack will take us all the way!" or " Obama, Obama, he'll work hard for your mama!"
* Let's try to keep the chanting, in general, to a minimum. For example, at Obama rallies- appropriate. At a football game? Nooooot appropriate.

In a nutshell- the chant has gotten annoying. Just Sayin!

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