Wednesday, November 12, 2008

An Open Letter...

Dear Everyone In My Apartment Complex:

I have issues with you. Things we need to talk about before drastic measures are taken.

To the person who lives across from me. Please shut your yappy dog up. What I think is happening is that you're getting up early in the morning to shower and letting your dog out onto the porch and you can't hear him when he incessantly barks for at least 20 minutes. What I would like for you to keep in mind is that, while this might be the time that you get up everyday, most everyone else is STILL ASLEEP!!!!!! And your dog barks at everything that MOVES!!!!! and it is hard for me to SLEEP!!!!!! i love animals, i really do. And your dog is cute! But he is so freaking annoying. Please leave him inside where the rest of us can't hear him.

Also, just in generality (but more specifically to the people that live above me), could we leave any kind of drilling to be done after, say, 8:30 am?? I dont think that's unreasonable, right? I mean you already STOMP around like elephants at all hours of the day (and night), play really loud music, and sometimes get into wrestling fights- can we keep the early morning drilling to a minimum?

If we can accomplish these things, then we will be a better, stronger community! Say it with me peeps- YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN!

Your Friend Lela

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