Tuesday, November 11, 2008

This is Hilarious!!!


Talk about being wasted.

New Jersey councilman Steven Lipski was got so drunk at a concert this past weekend that he….urinated all over a crowd of concertgoers.

For reals!!!!!

This past Friday, Lipski went to a Washington, D.C. nightclub to watch the Grateful Dead perform.

However, turns out he was so intoxicated that he proceeded to pee on the concertgoers from his balcony spot at the club.


Lipski was arrested and charged with simple assault. However, the peepee king has decided to stay mum about the incident.

He said in one recent interview yesterday, "I've resolved not to touchalcohol again."

And added in another interview that the incident was "deeply humiliating, very embarrassing, and troubling."

Even more troubling, the 44 year-old has decided not to admit to the peeing stunt.

He did say, "I can't comment on that. I'm going to continue to do all the good things, and I'm not going to let this overshadow me."

A source adds, "I spoke to one of his contributors this morning, and he's denying the whole thing. He's telling people he spilled a drink. It's ridiculous. He's already said he's not resigning. He's telling people that."

Too bad that Lipski was spotted by one of the club's staffers relieving himself at 9:50pm from the club's balcony.

Shady politicians!

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